[center][i][h2][color=#dd5419]Calariel[/color][/h2][/i][/center][hr] Calariel busied herself with getting some gear on, throwing on a warmer long sleeved shirt before she secured her chainmail over it. She was busy buckling on her boots when Ellaryn called back to her. She might've been startled by being referred to as "Cal" but it occurred to her that brevity had value in a situation such as this. Throwing the rest of her things into her bag, she made her way out into the hall, bow in hand. [color=#dd5419]"I'm right behind you,"[/color] she said to Ellaryn, taking a brief moment to listen and try to observe what was going on in the hall. She'd heard Ofnir mention fire was needed. From the looks of things they were battling against reanimated bodies. Calariel couldn't see quite clearly enough, but she could guess that those that now lay dead and burning were people they had eaten and listened to song with only hours ago. It left a heavy weight on her, but there was no time to dwell on it, not when they didn't know what had caused the tragedy. Nocking an arrow into her bow, prepared to draw and loose it at any moment, Calariel's glassy eyes sought out the wizard. [color=#dd5419]"How can I help?"[/color]