Joshua largely ignored the others as they appeared at the meeting place. Just as Lewellyn emerged from his tent, the large mutant buttoned up his pants again and stepped aside from the old pre-war power line pole he had been using to relieve himself. A fair amount of time later and the old drunkard that offered to heal people had arrived. Joshua ignored the human's inquiry and took a seat an equal distance away from all the others. A couple minutes later and their employer arrived, a little late. "Sorry, I am late. I had business to attend to. Now, we have a good long march south along the I-75. I hope you all are ready. We will spend a night under the stars and if all goes well we reach the place that is to be our outpost by noon tomorrow." [color=darkgreen]"It's good you showed up when you did. We were about to hold you to your word and leave late arrivals behind. It would have been an interesting adventure, having nobody pay us and no idea where to go."[/color] Joshua let out a hearty laugh and stood up, slinging his Red Glare rocket launcher over his shoulder and readjusting his oversized backpack. Everything about his body language said that he was ready to go.