There was a rumble of thunder in the distance. Morwen gripped her coin purse tightly. "O-Oh. Right...Sorry. I'll...I'll be quick." She returned the squeeze of her hand. She bit her lower lips, the flower dress was beautiful. There was a matching shirt as well. She reached up and felt the fabric, it was a light airy material. The dress and shirt were cool to the touch and felt soft. It felt expensive, unnecessary. Morgen wouldn't be able to see it anyways. There were matching pants and shirts near by. These were colorless, unflattering, but sturdy garments. Meant for those that work outdoors. The man grumbled, "Are you going to stare all day, or pick something?" He snarled. "Sorry..." Morwen moved and picked the sturdier outfits. They would last longer and be more useful in the long run. She paid quickly, having more then enough for food at the inn. She placed the outfits in Morgen's bag. "We can just take a bath and such tomorrow, at home. Lets...Lets get some food." She led Morgen away, "Besides, we can even give the rest to Mom and Dad!" There was a crack of lightening. Morwen sped up to get to the inn in time. Shoppers and storekeepers alike hurried away to the safety of their own homes. Morwen kept her head up this time. Their parents sold wood, they would be in a market like this to sell their goods. Yet, she didn't recognize one. Maybe they had a good day and packed up early! Morwen grinned, tomorrow, tomorrow this journey will be over. Rain fell heavy right as the twins got into the inn. Morwen sat her brother down. "We'll get dressed tomorrow, we can eat food now." She looked around, "Smell anything good?"