[b]"Mutant, you ain't funny, I have heard a Protectron tell a better joke... then again I did see another one pleasure a man in the Commonwealth... How the hell he managed to smuggle it to the Commonwealth from New Vegas is a mystery better left a mystery."[/b] Lewellyn states, then dwells upon a weird day for him involving raiders, Fisto, a thief and the whole of Bunker Hill during a rad storm. [b]"Anyway, no sense dwelling on a diplomatic disaster you are worse then Ol'Com here with waking up I bet Miss... Boss... Madame? What the hell do we call you again except Eyebot magnet?"[/b] Lewellyn asks, trying to focus on the present, then dwelling on what a Goodsprings resident had told a trader Lewellyn was having a pleasant conversation on over some scotch. [b]"Maybe witch instead? You managed to charm me into this from my own marvellous hunt... Read of a political figure called Mike Hunt in an advert now I'm reminded, he was up against a bloke called Dick Wraith and Wayne Kerr in old world politics..."[/b] Lewellyn drones on, going off in a tangent and just quietly going on about what he's read, heard and experienced.