[@DeadBeatWalking] You're correct! Although you might want to add stealing kids in order to raise them as Elves, as well as the abduction and rape of women and men to both propogate the race and for pleasure; in most cases the women/man would be willing, Elves being pretty attractive to man, but sometimes not...think succubi/incubus in the latter case. As for 'spoling' crops, well, that could be as little as poisoning your cattle to a full-on lynch-mob burning your fields, barn and cabin down with you inside. I do intend for them to lean more toward the Fae/Sidhe/Fey/Fairie folk of British and European myth, while still retaining some elments of post-Tolkien Elves. Probably small things such as pointed ears, long lives etc. There will also be differing sub-Elven cultures, in much the same way as we have differing cultures. Some Elves, for example, might fit the archtypical 'Wood/High/Dark' type, but if that was the case then I'd prefer them with a twist...Wood Elves that are sub-par archers and hutn Centaurs through the forest using only fists and forearm long blades, for example. Or 'High' Elves who are rotten on the inside and favour blackpowder weapons. That sort of thing. I hope that explained a little better. [@POOHEAD189] You gonna just like my post, or express interest as well? I'd understand if you don't, as you do seem to be in many RPs atm. :lol