[center]Kieran didn't respond for a moment, his gaze shifting to the dead body and then away. With a sigh he pulls away and moves to collect their bags, they had someone to visit after all. With his free hand, he gently pushes Ryanair until he's walking. He half-turns to face his first fledgling, an unreadable expression on his face. “Maybe, then again I know you want to kill me. So I'm not keen to stay too long with you, good day.” He bows before turning to follow his blonde companion, his strides quick and calculated. Reaching his fledgling, Kieran pats his back before turning to the left and down the street. He ignores the bond that buzzes at the back of his mind, he didn't have time to ponder it now. “Will we go and see Gran, now?” Ryanair asks after their a distance away from the alleyway where the dead body lay. Kieran answered with a silent nod, his gaze glancing down to the hand he'd used to kill the male. He didn't much care for humans, but he did wonder from time to time how the remaining family members must feel. He shook his head and cleared the thoughts, turning a corner he focuses on his next destination. The person they're about to meet was an old friend, she had been asking him to visit for awhile and he had been putting it off until today. Madam Isabela was like a grandmother to him, and Ryanair as well when he finally met her. He didn't mind the babying as long as she was happy, a plus was Ryanair relaxed around her as well. A tune begins to fall from his lips as he walks, Ryanair glancing over with a smile. It was a sign that he sire was happy, his shoulders relaxed as he joined in with his own tune.[/center] [@earlymorninstar]