[center][img]https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8170/7919707482_abc5e7728b_z.jpg[/img] [h3] Tower of the Black Pearl[/h3] [/center] [i]The dark sea rolls, solemn and quiet beneath the bone-white moon. The old Maiden of the Sea, waxing full, seems especially close tonight, its reflection unbroken on the gently rolling waters. Dim lights of town twinkle in the distance, and when the wind is right you can still hear sea chanties being sung in the night. [color=f26522]"There it is!"[/color] Hollis, the human fisherman, said in awe. He had agreed to ferry the small crew of adventurers here in exchange for 1/10 haul. The tower rises from the sea like something out of a fairy tale. And yet, it must be real, for waves crash against it just as they lap at the planks of the skiff. Snarling gargoyles crown the four corners of the tower, peering from coral-encrusted battlements. More worrisome than the eldritch tower or the snarling gargoyles is the worn longboat moored on the far side of the tower. Squinting through the darkness, it seems the deck of the longboat is empty...[/i]