Tapping his fingers lightly on the table Ezra could not fight off the bored expression that overtook his young face. Tied up dark hair still managed to hang messily in his face and give him an overall look of someone who really had no cares at that moment. Though the expression he wore was far from honest. He was just glad to be out of that stuffy academy and the city. He’d take lawless wastes over the stifling atmosphere of Eden anyday. He dressed simply, in loose comfortable clothing, looking no part the prodigal scribe he was rumored to be. The only hint to that lay inside the beat-up looking satchel that rested at his hip. Light brown eyes scanned over the crowd as he tried to pick out the Hunter he was to be assigned to. Johnny.. Jagger… Hell he couldn’t remember. Ruffles his hair further, thinking maybe he should have been paying attention.. But those instructors liked to hear themselves talk and all that he could recall was a faint hum in his ear as they went on and on. Drops his forehead to the table with a light thunk, drawing in looks from those around around him. “Shit.” Ezra flopped back fully into his chair before he continued to look over the patrons, tossing a brief glance towards the ragtag twins that scurried in before looking towards the door as it once more admitted another patron. Tips to the side to get a better look, the man seemed to be scanning the tavern for something.. Or someone. He definitely seemed to stand out in comparison to those who seemed to be going in and out of this place.. He was likely exactly who Ezra was looking for. Yet he waited, not moving from his chair… He wanted to be sure.. Though how? Even he had no clue. Maybe the Hunter got a description of him as well.. Ezra hoped like hell at least he listened.