[b]Name:[/b] Johannes van Kanne [b]Alias:[/b] Ghost [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Hair:[/b] Platinum-Blonde, stick straight, and thick. He keeps it tied up behind his head in a loop with whatever suitable material he can find. If let down, it reaches well past his shoulders. [b]Eye:[/b] Grey-Blue [b]Family:[/b] Unknown. He has no memory of who his biological family are. [b]Affiliations:[/b] Hunter with the Bloodhounds. [b]Home:[/b] None - he goes where the Bloodhounds send him rather than put down roots. [b]Magic:[/b] N/A [b]Inventory:[/b] Johannes carries a long pistol that has been repaired and reassembled repeatedly and keeps it holstered at his side, hidden under his vest. His backup weapon is a knife with a handle made like a pair of brass knuckles. [img]http://i.imgur.com/zPSMTHQ.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/BthYwts.png[/img] [b]Combat:[/b] Johannes' favored fighting style is from a short distance and behind cover while using his pistol. Since his pistol is not accurate at very long distances, he is adept at hand-to-hand fighting out of necessity. Up close, his combat style employs lots of dirty tricks - sand to the eyes, biting, kicks to the groin, anything to gain an edge so that he can get in a good stab. [b]History:[/b] Johannes was raised by an elderly Bloodhound hunter that retired due to injury. Johannes joined the Bloodhounds himself at age 18 and trained to be a hunter. He has been working as a hunter ever since. [b]Other:[/b] Johannes is a gunsmith, skilled at repairing firearms. He also knows how to reload his own ammunition, given the proper materials. He's good at moving quietly without being seen or heard behind/under cover. He also likes explosives when sneaking isn't an option. Below are some references/inspiration for Johannes' clothing and appearance. [img]http://i.imgur.com/XGA3YQF.jpg[/img]