Morgen stumbled a bit to keep up with his sister, even with their hands linked. He never liked running; there was always a chance to plow into some unforeseen obstacle, even if you were being led about. He chewed at his bottom lip and squeezed his eyes shut instinctual, hoping that Morwen wouldn't have him trip over some uneven surface in the hardpan road. Throughout their lives, she'd gotten good at leading him, but there were always those rare instances when she forgot that she had to pay attention to [i]every[/i] aspect of the terrain, and got him tripped up. Fortunately, this wasn't one of those times. They made it inside just before the rain began to pelt the roof. It became immediately evident that this inn was not waterproof. The old woman behind the bar snapped at one of her barmaids, who quickly ran to fetch a couple buckets. These were placed strategically in a few places of the common room to catch the rainwater that fell in. Morgen sat where his sister placed him. He reached for the arms of the chair, only to discover he had none. He squirmed, shifting uncomfortably, and opted to rest his hands in his lap instead. "Nothin' ever really smells [i]good[/i] in these places--" He began, unaware that the old woman was walking right behind him, bucket in hand. "Then don't eat!" She snapped bitterly in his direction, causing the boy to grimace and sink down some in his chair. His face flushed with embarrassment. "Um..." He started again, quietly, so that only his sister would hear. "...Whatever they got is good, probably. I mean it can't be no worse than that snake we had to eat." He paused, then and added tentatively, even more quiet: "...Can we let Spot in tonight? It's raining..."