Morwen clamped her mouth shut as the inn keeper walked by, keeping her eyes down casted as well. Once the women was out of earshot, she gave a quick chuckle. "You're as red as a tomato." She muttered leaning forward, a grin on her face. "And yes, we can." Her voice was quiet as well, "Through the window." Whatever grin Morwen had vanished when she looked to the newest patron. She paled visibly. Though the twins had never seen a Bloodhound, the way this man carried himself was intimidating none the less. Everything the Miraculum told them seemed to fit this man's description. That or he was an outlaw. A buddy of the men they killed earlier today? Morwen didn't know which one was better. She ducked her head low, her dress in her clutches again. "Do not. Open. Your eyes." She hissed softly, soft enough that only her twin could hear. "I'll get us food." She slipped out of her chair. Her shoulders hunched again as she tried to make herself some small, nonsignificant. It seemed he was looking for something. Or someone. Did he find the bodies? The rune was destroyed, but the bodies still suffered from electrical burns. Was he looking for their killer. Morwen clutched her dress even harder, now at the counter. "T-Two you have." She muttered, she avoided eye contact with the aging inn keeper again.