[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmNmM2IyMC5RVzUwYjJsdVpYUjBaU0JCWjNKbGMzUmwuMA,,/monsieur-la-doulaise.regular.png[/img] [b][u][color=Crimson]and Epsilon-12[/color][/u][/b] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/qEWdg7qQ36WQ0/giphy.gif[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Sentinels HQ, London [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Creatrix [@Lmpkio], Jean-Luc [@Awesomoman64][/center] Antoinette removed a silver flask from the inside of her jacket, twisting off the lid and placing it to her lips while Creatrix spoke. The robot mentioned that the others possessed abilities that would make them great assets in the fight. Taking a swig of her bourbon, Antoinette scanned the room once more. A few more familiar faces joined in, as well as some new ones. It was hard to believe that these people possessed the potential to be members of the Sentinels. Not that Antoinette really cared; she was just trying to have some fun. "[color=coral]Regardless, I'm happy to contribute to the cause.[/color]" She was about to take another swig of her drink when one of the young men she insulted spoke up. "[color=1d4d82]Oh dear. Someone should call any nearby nursing homes and see if they are missing a patient because I think she just wandered in.[/color]" Antoinette's attention shot from Creatrix to Jean-luc, an almost pleased smile plastered across her face. With her spare hand, she pointed at him while looking back at Creatrix. "[color=coral]I like this one. He's got spunk. Needs to work on his comebacks a little more; it was a little flat.[/color]" Behind her, Epsilon had been staring at Jean-Luc from the moment he had addressed Antoinette. The light in her visor pulsated and anyone could see how tense the machine was. As if reading her mind, Antoinette spoke to Epsilon while looking at Jean-Luc. "[color=coral]Oh would you relax? We're just having some fun. There's no threat here. Stand down.[/color]" Hopefully Jean-Luc didn't take offense to the fact that Antoinette had just practically called him non-threatening. The intention was only to ease Epsilon, not pick a fight. At the command of her master, the light in Epsilon's visor dimmed and she resumed a more laid back, casual stance. "[color=LemonChiffon]Understood.[/color]" replied Epsilon, just as Archangel entered the room and gave his speech. At the end he asked if there was any questions and Antoinette briefly considered if she should ask if the headquarter still had a bar. Though that would probably be more appropriate for someone else, and not the leader of the Sentinels. She sat and listened, waiting for the others to pose their questions before the meeting adjourned.