[hider=Troia] [img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11/117884/2232789-281367_154500_who_is_donna_troy_large.jpg[/img] [color=gold][b][u]Name:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Donna Troy[/indent] [color=gold][b][u]Nicknames:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Donna Princess Dee Wonderella[/indent] [color=gold][b][u]Aliases and Titles:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Wonder Girl (formerly) Darkstar (formerly) Troia Princess of the Amazons The Lion's Daughter[/indent] [color=gold][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Princess Donna is more than 2500 years old but physically resembles a woman in her late teens to early twenties, and she will likely appear so for quite some time.[/indent] [color=gold][b][u]Sex:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=gold][b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Donna is the spitting image of a younger Diana, she has the same long dark wavy hair, smooth olive complexion, and bright light brown eyes. But whereas her older sister embodies a fully developed and mature beauty and grace, Donna has a more youthful appearance. However she does not lack the powerful build that is ubiquitous among her family, among the blood of Olympus, Donna is tall and powerfully built with the lean taut physique of a warrior and athlete. She towers over most women and quite a few men at an even six feet. Donna's armor was custom made by Hesphaestus. The metal was made from the finest Olympian ore, and the leather was taken from the hide of the Nemean Lion that her father had slain. As Wonder Girl the color scheme had been red and gold, but when Donna took the name of Troia she had the smith rework it. Hesphaestus enchanted the armor so that the starry sky of her uniform would look as if the viewer were staring into the night sky, the stars would blink and the sky would shift with Donna's movements. [/indent] [color=gold][b][u]Powers/Skills:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]-Donna is of the blood of Olympus, granting her strength beyond any mortal human. While she does not match her older sister in power she is more than the equal of the various metahuman strongmen and can match any Heir of El in raw strength except Kal-El himself -Donna is incredibly durable, no normal human could hurt her in hand-to-hand combat and she can withstand blows from her older sister. However she is not indestructible, like other Amazons, piercing weapons such as bullets and blades can damage her and a strong enough weapon such a tank or missile could severely injure if not outright kill her. As such Donna must rely on her shield, gauntlets, and armor when it comes to particularly dangerous foes. -Princess Donna has a natural grace and an agility borne from centuries of practice. She can perform acrobatic feats to outdo any mortal, and coupled with her strength, Donna can leap large distances in a single bound. However she does not naturally possess the power of flight and must rely on winged sandals, which theoretically could be damaged or even destroyed with enough force. -Like her sister, Donna has superhuman reflexes. She has a naturally superior reaction time to a mortal. Donna can snatch arrows from flight and with her enchanted gauntlets, Donna can easily block bullets. Donna is also incredibly swift and on foot, she can catch up to a speeding car. -Due to her superhuman birth and her training, Donna has immense resistance to exhaustion and pain. She can fight and march for days straight, and she has the mental fortitude to keep shrug off all but the most serious of injuries. Unless she is knocked unconscious or even killed by an injury, she will fight to the bitter end. -Centuries of Amazon training have honed her senses to perfection. She may not have the superhuman vision or hearing of a Son of El, but she is an expert tracker that can detect the faintest of clues in the environment to help her catch her quarry and it would take a master of stealth or superhuman powers to sneak up on her. -Donna has the benefit of more than two millennia worth of strategic training. She was schooled in the Art of War since she was a child and possesses a keen tactical and strategic mind to rival her sisters and the Batman himself. Donna possesses a strong intellect and studied all the great Ancient thinkers. Donna's knowledge of History, Philosophy, Architecture, Astronomy, Physics, and Mathematics could match any doctor or professor. She also possesses a healthy grasp of Arcane theory though she has no innate talent herself. -Princess Donna was trained from an early age in courtesy and diplomacy, she is a master of concealing emotion and mediating conflict. She often visited other supernatural nations with her mother and sister, such as the Kingdom of Atlantis or the Court of the Summer Queen Titania. Donna is a natural peacemaker and it would take considerable emotional pressure to break her composure. Her milleania long social training has left her schooled in the protocols and customs of dozens of supernatural peoples. -Donna is an avid follower of the Arts and possesses a great well of information on Drama, Music, Art, Literature, and more recently Cinema. Donna herself was noted to be an excellent singer and dancer among her people, and was a master of the Lyre. She was also a fair artist and also dabbled in sculptures and pottery. Princess Donna was also a student of Drama and performed in festivals often, and is currently honing her trade in the Metropolis School of Performing Arts -Above all Donna is a warrior, she was trained in combat from the age she could walk. She is an excellent rider, an expert archer, and a master of several forms of armed and unarmed combat. She is a master of the sword and shield, the spear, the bow and arrow, daggers, her fists and feet, and of the lasso, though her lasso while strong and durable is not the peer of the Lasso of Truth. Her sister is the finest warrior among their people, but Donna is not so far behind. [/indent] [color=gold][b][u]Backstory:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Princess Donna of the Amazons was born around 2500 years ago, one of several heirs to Themyscira, and one of legions among the godblood descendants of Zeus, collectively known as the House of Jove. Her father was Heracles, the Lion of Olympus, who fathered Donna when he came to Themyscira seeking her mother's famed enchanted girdle. Despite the claims of Greek storytellers, Heracles certainly did not slay Hippolyta in battle and he did not force himself upon her. After a series of contests of strength and athleticism, where the Lion bested her mother, her aunts, and even her sister, and a brief but passionate affair with Hippolyta, Heracles claimed his prize and left. Donna was born shortly after, and many came to celebrate the birth of the new princess. Her own father's roars of joy are said to have shaken the island, though Donna's aunt Melanippe says that was as much to do with his drunkenness as his joy. Her grandfather Zeus approved as well, and even Hera, who had spurned Diana's birth celebration, famously smiled and cooed at her own great-grandchild. Ares vowed to train his granddaughter in all the martial arts like her sister and Donna's aunt Penethesilea, who had fought in the Trojan War, declared that Donna would be as beautiful as the famed Helen of Troy and as fine a warrior as Hector. And so the new Princess was forever named, Donna Troy. Though Heracles wanted to take his daughter with him, Hippolyta adamantly insisted that Donna be raised and trained on Paradise Island with her sister Diana and her cousins, Artemis, Alexa, Aresia, Drusilla, and Lyla. Donna wanted for nothing growing up, and had no lack of companions in either play, study, or training. Donna greatly admired her older sister and emulated her to a great degree. Though they did not share a father, Donna and Diana were sisters and inseparable. Diana was already a trained warrior by the time Donna came around, and was the one responsible for a great amount of Donna's training. She also helped her in her other studies when she struggled and protected her from the very rare bully, particularly their aggressive cousin Artemis and their mischievous cousin Aresia, Penethesilia's and Antiope's daughters respectively. Though Donna had a knack for peacemaking and eventually befriended their troublemaking cousins. Diana's prowess inspired Donna to excel, and her continued defeats in sparring only made her hunger for improvement. Together, Diana and Donna were Hippolyta's pride. She received the best in education and combat training, learning from Diana and all the great masters among her people and others of her blood. Ares and Athena trained her in different styles of war and strategy, and Hesphaestus made Donna her own special armor and weapons. Her shield, gauntlets, sword, and spear were the equal of any Amazon, even her sister. Donna received extensive training in all matters of combat, survival, and athleticism as well as an exhaustive education on matters of science, philosophy, and the arts. As a Princess of the Amazons, Donna was not just expected to be a great warrior and a great thinker, but to also be a capable leader and envoy for their people. The affairs of the Olympian Nations were notoriously volatile and dangerous, and relations with other supernatural peoples were no less treacherous. And so Donna was trained in matters of courtesy and protocol, excelling because of her peacemaking and conciliating nature. Though Diana was the undisputed best warrior, Donna was recognized by her sister as one of Themyscira's finest intellectual and diplomatic minds, though Donna came close to beating her sister in sparring a few times. Diana was fated to be their people's great Warrior Queen, and Donna would be her brilliant Councillor. Diana and Donna accompanied their mother on several journeys to the demesnes of their relatives and other notables, including the Kingdom of Atlantis, ruled by their cousins of the House of Neptune. Diana was always praised for her martial skill, and Donna was never far behind in martial honor, but her knowledge of the arts and her social skills never failed to impress, whether their hosts were Atlantean Kings or Demigod Lords. Donna never journeyed to the mortal world however, despite her father's wishes for her to join on his adventures, for her mother had forbidden it. Man's world was dangerous and volatile, she said and was best avoided. However life on Paradise Island was not always peaceful. The intrigue and affairs of the gods were often ignored by her mother, but their people were often dragged into spats and disagreements between one god or another from time to time. Sometimes Hippolyta was called on to defuse arguments between their relatives and Donna would learn more of the art of diplomacy. Other times, the Amazons found themselves defending their shores from the odd jilted god or demigod, and Donna put her training to use against all manner of foes from Minotaurs, Centaurs, Harpies, Gorgons, Cyclopses, and even the odd sorcerer. Eventually the god or demigod would forget their grudge and slink off, leaving Donna and her fellow Amazons covered in battle glory. And occasionally the Amazons were honor-bound to defend their relatives from some shared foe. Donna had fought in dozens of small skirmishes, including a sojourn into the sea to help the Atlanteans fight off Charybdis and Scylla. However these conflicts were short and ephemeral, the game that the supernatural played when they grew bored. Donna's first war came when Zeus called the banners to defend Olympus from the Giants, the outcast offspring of Gaia. In a rare moment of solidarity, a large majority of the blood united to fight their enemy. Diana and Donna fought side by side with the Legions of Hades, with the Atlanteans, and with the Olympians. For the first time, Donna fought with her father in battle. The conflict was epic, countless on both sides were slain. Her father slew a great many giants and won the battle, but Donna saw him fall from his wounds afterward. Donna mourned her father, the Lion of Olympus, but watched with awe as her grandfather ascended him into full godhood. Donna spent a short time in the grand city, familiarizing herself with her grandfather's kingdom. However, Eris, her aunt, on several occasions attempted to humiliate and trick her niece in increasingly devious and deadly schemes. She was not the only one and Donna grew disillusioned by the cruel games of the gods. Donna spent most of her life on Paradise Island, only journeying to councils and battles when it was required of her, unlike Diana who went on many adventures in the mythical world. Donna was best friends with her bookish cousin Alexa, Artemis' sister, Lyla, Melanippe's daughter and the next Oracle, and Drusilla, Lyla's sister and an even more avid art student than Donna. They enjoyed the dramatic performances, musical concerts, displays of dance, artistic mastery, hunting, sparring, and festivity of their home. Donna enjoyed her own pursuit into the arts and was a celebrated playwright among her people, composing a drama of her father's heroic journey. Hippolyta often brought Donna to councils, grooming her to become a Chancellor among their people. Donna witnessed the lively political, philosophical, and rhetorical debates and speeches among her people and knew this was her calling. The centuries passed by in this manner, Donna enjoying a pleasurable and intellectually stimulating lifestyle with occasional bursts of glorious battle. Sometimes her uncle Dionysus would journey to the island for festivities, or an Olympiad would be held in Themyscira among the nations of the blood. Donna lived, laughed, loved, read, danced, sang, fought, drank, dreamed, and ate hearty. And then one day a stranger crashed from the sky. It was not a god but a man, the first mortal man Donna had seen with her own eyes and a strange one at that. He had a uniform that Donna did not recognize and a strange manner of speaking. His flying machine was unlike any that Donna had ever seen, despite her extensive experience with magical artifices. The man spoke of a great war in Man's World. It was plain that this war was a threat to Themyscira, Hippolyta feared that mortal invaders would breach their island's security. And their Queen also suspected the hand of her father, Ares, in these troubles. Donna had never been to the mortal world and felt apprehensive, but Diana jumped at the chance to experience the mortal realm. It was agreed that Diana would safeguard their people by journeying into the mortal world with this man, this Steve Trevor. Donna remained behind and prayed for her sister's safety. Diana soon returned and regaled all with tales of the vastly changing Man's World, of industrialization and technology. She witnessed the horror's of mortal war but maintained that Man's world was worth saving. It was revealed that Ares was partially responsible for the war, though man had largely brought it upon himself. Diana gained their mother's leave to stay in Man's world and soon became one of it's greatest champions, the Wonder Woman. Diana would periodically return and tell of Man's world and all its beauty and horror. Diana would often gift Donna with trinkets and gifts from Man's world, the most treasured were books. Novels, poems, plays, Donna voraciously devoured the literature of dozens of different mortal cultures. She dreamed of the wonders of Man's world and her imagination was captivated by Wonder Woman's tales of adventure and of companions such as the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel. Eventually, Donna took on the name of Wonder Girl and joined her sister in Man's World. Her centuries of experience and training were put to good use, and she fought and defeated many supervillainous foes, becoming amazed with the wonders of the modern world. Donna met many great heroes, and fought side by side with the likes of Superman, Batman, and Aquaman whom she had met on a few occasions before as King Arthur. Donna saved countless lives, conflicted with a variety of powerful foes, and saw wonders she only dreamed of. During visits to Metropolis and Gotham with Diana, Donna met and befriended Kara Zor-El and Barbara Gordon. On one notable occasion the trio had teamed up to take on Livewire, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, and Cheetah from enacting their plot to incapacitate their mentors and take Metropolis and Gotham by storm and declaring themselves Queens of the cities. The three of them became fire-forged friends and from that moment on they were sisters in battle and life. Donna fell in love with Man's World, with the sheer passion and ferocity with which the humans pursued life, despite the horrors and dangers they faced on a daily basis. She even had a few romances in Man's World, particularly with Kyle Rayner, the youngest of Earth's Green Lantern defenders. They mad met during a mission to stop the Star Sapphire in one of her perennial rampages, and Donna had become smitten with the dashing artist and adventurer. Their time together was passionate but brief and they parted amicably, and to this day Donna considers Kyle a close friend. There were many more besides Kyle, men and women, including one memorable encounter with Garth and Tula of Atlantis. In her travels Donna made many more friends and allies, including Koriand'r the alien Princess from another world that Donna saw so much of herself in. Donna Troy became a pillar of the superhuman community, and considered her costumed brethren as much her people as the Amazons were. Donna greatly enjoyed fighting at her sister's side, but desired to make her own name for herself. Donna had met many of the young proteges before in her adventures, young heroes such as Robin, Red Arrow, and Kid Flash. After a bit of an adjustment period with their strange communication technology, Donna heard Robin's call for relief. She found her way to the Kahndaq desert, the former home of the legendary Teth-Adam's kingdom, and helped rescue the beleaguered young heroes. Donna found she relished the companionship of her peers and eagerly joined the Teen Titans, though she was not overly happy with the name. As Wonder Girl, Donna conflicted with Wonder Woman at first due to a perceived abandonment of her older sister to join her young friends. However the rift was healed when Donna and her comrades saved her sister and the rest of the League from the clutches of an alien menace. Afterwards, Donna enjoyed her sister's support and those few years with the Titans were among the best of her life, fighting in costume to uphold justice, and afterwards exploring New York City and it's wonders. Of particular note was Broadway. However all good things must come to an end and eventually the team disbanded. Donna went her own way and had many more adventures. Once after the villain Night Star attacked New York, Donna was persuaded by John Stewart to become a member of the Darkstar Corps. Donna Troy dreamed of flight and readily agreed. Her newfound powers of energy blasts granted by the Darkstar uniform were great but it was the power of flight that exhilarated her. She went by the name of Darkstar for a short time and jumped at the call to rejoin the newly reconstituted Teen Titans, along with her close friend Starfire. The organization behind the Darkstars soon collapsed and after the departure of John Stewart from the group, Donna felt no obligation to stay and hung up the Darkstar uniform. As useful as energy blasts were, they simply were not her style and her father had Hesphaestus make her a pair of winged sandals to grant flight, so Donna had no further need of the uniform. Donna again took up the name Wonder Girl. Things continued in this manner with Donna living and fighting with the team, Donna was one of the team's lynchpins, helping formulate their strategies and mediating team conflicts, Donna was proud that she was a peer of Kal-El's blood in combat and of Batman's proteges in strategy. But though the young Luthor was amiable enough, Donna could never fully trust him. She had experience enough with Lex Luthor and though she would fight by his side, she could never quite believe that the man's son would not follow in his footsteps. Despite this, the two never had real conflict and they saved each other's lives on multiple occasions. Things were happy, until the Wildebeest Society. Donna had seen horrors before, but the affair with the Wildebeest Society affected her in ways she rather not think on. Donna refused to speak of the events with any of her friends, not Kori, not Kara, not Barbara, not even her sister. Not all was ill however, for Diana had discovered the existence of Cassandra and Lyta Sandsmark, the young daughters of Diana's demigod brother Lennox Sandsmark and their cousins. After the trauma of the Wildebeest affair, Donna Troy returned to Paradise Island and along with her sister took up the duties of training their young cousins. Lyta began following in the footsteps of their mother Helena who had been a Fury. Donna saw something in the young Cassie and trained her to take her place as Wonder Girl, for she had the yearning for adventure and untainted idealism that Donna now felt lacking. For a time Supergirl even came to their Island, taking a break from the never-ending battle to enjoy their idyllic lifestyle. Koriand'r, Batgirl, and many others called from time to time and it was a peaceful time for Donna. That all ended when Darkseid sent an army to kidnap Supergirl to make her one of his own Furies. Lyla, now known as the Harbinger, was almost killed in the battle and Kara was taken. Diana called their people to action, Superman mobilized his family, and Batman contacted many of their allies. Donna joined them, taking up the sword again with the newly made Wonder Girl at her side and her new title, Troia. Donna made her first journey into outerspace and was part of a large effort to take Supergirl back, going to Darkseid's own place of power, Apokolips. Donna had heard tales of the Fourth World, of her own family's ancient war against the evil god Darkseid. The battle on that hellscape to save her sister in arms reminded her of the Gigantomachy, so many years ago, an epic, bloody, and horrible clash of arms with many of her Amazonian sisters falling in battle. Darkseid had even corrupted Supergirl and forced her to fight her friends and family. In the end, the efforts of the Justice League and their allies prevailed and Kara was taken home. Donna realized it was her duty to protect her world and those she loved from evil. And she had to admit, there was still that part of her, that bloodlust that came from generations of warriors, that sang when she was in combat. Donna returned to the world of superheroics as Troia, and Cassie joined the Teen Titans. Donna moved to Metropolis with Supergirl, the two share an apartment, and Donna began taking classes at the Metropolis School of Performing Arts, not out of a need for a degree but out of her love of the humanities. After the disappearance of Diana and the Justice League, chaos reigned. The superhuman community was rocked to the core. The Amazons became incredibly distraught. Hippolyta was beside herself with worry over her daughter's fate, and Aunt Eris, planted the seeds of strife by appearing on the island and suggesting that Themyscira needed a strong leader, implying that Donna was not worthy to be heir. Eris' influence split the Amazons in several different directions, creating heated debate as to whether to follow the order of succession or decide the heir by some other means. For her part Donna resented the discussion, many had started to believe her sister dead. Donna left the politics to themselves and vowed to find her sister and bring her back, all the while bringing those who abducted her to Justice. And to do that Donna decided that she must follow her sister's steps as well as protect her friends and family from further threats. Joining with several of her comrades, Donna became a member of the new Justice League. [/indent] [color=gold][b][u]Motivation for joining the League?:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]As Diana's younger sister, and a hero in her own right, Donna feels a strong responsibility to do the right thing and perform her sister's duties in her absence. She always looked up to Diana, and she greatly admired every member of the Justice League and considered them all mentors and friends. Donna feels that to honor them she must follow their example and protect the people of Earth from all threats. She is tirelessly working to find her sister and bring her home. And she feels a burning desire to harm any that harmed her sister. But if the worst has happened, than Themyscira always needs an heir to the throne. And the Justice League must always have a Wonder Woman. [/indent] [color=gold][b][u]What do you bring to the League?:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Diana brings millenia of combat training and experience to the table, there are not many warriors mortal or superhuman that can match her in combat prowess. Besides that, she is a keen strategic and diplomatic mind, and would be an invaluable asset in preparing battle plans as well as keeping heads cool among the newly formed Justice League. If the League ever comes into contact with supernatural nations, Donna can bring a large measure of authority to bear as heir to Themyscira and the daughter of Heracles and granddaughter of Zeus. As a representative of her people, she also has considerable political clout in the mortal realm and has access to the not inconsiderable wealth of her nation and its martial resources. And Donna may not be a natural genius but she has a competent academic and scientific mind. In short Donna Troy is a warrior, a scholar, and a diplomat all wrapped up in one.[/indent] [color=gold][b][u]Notes[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Donna is bisexual and is much more liberal with her pursuits than most humans, she pursues pleasure without any of the hangups of modern society. Donna has had many partners and even a few romantic ones, among them a fiery relationship with Kyle Rayner. In the mortal world, Donna is legally known as Donna Prince. Her uniform from her short-lived tenure among the Darkstars is kept in the palace at Themyscira, awaiting a new bearer. One of Donna's prized possessions is a bracelet forged out of linked charms in the likeness of the House of El Crest, the Bat-Symbol, and the Royal Eagle of Themyscira, symbolizing her unbreakable bond with Kara Zor-El and Barabara Gordon. Donna also has a meteorite locket, gifted to her by her close friend Koriand'r of Tamaran.[/indent] [/hider] [@BlackSam3091] Yeah good times, good times. Anyway here's my sheet. Diana's and by extension Donna's history can be pretty convoluted, so hopefully my attempt at ordering their mythos is satisfactory to you Sam. If anything conflicts with what you think should be canon, I'll change it. I left the period when Steve Trevor came to the Island intentionally vague, but I kinda like the idea of it being World War One. Please tell me what you think of the sheet and if changes should be made. Also sorry that it's a bit longish, I get carried away sometimes. I thought about putting in past relationships with Nightwing and Red Arrow, but I don't want to step on any toes here. I'll include it if Lord Wraith and FacePunch are cool with it.