Max sighed as he had been at this school for a few days now yet it seemed like every other school he had been to. The bullying was not that bad yet but the fact no one was even trying to be friends with him was very disheartening. It was the end of the day yet for him the day was not over as many clubs ran after school, some ran during and after school as well. He had no idea what to join at this time, whatever the case he would try and visit some if not all the clubs that the school had to offer minus the football club. He gave a deep sigh before moving his ass from one spot to another. He walked through the hallways hoping to find a club on the way, it took about five minutes before he even heard let alone saw one. The first club seemed to be role playing club, it sounded interesting so he went in. It seemed like something he was interested in, the people there accepted him but at the same time, they were already doing something so Max was not doing much. It took about 10 minutes before he left to find another club. The next few clubs were also geeky based clubs such as the video game club, the anime club, movie club, music club and cosplay club. The anime club was playing the usual we have all seen it, play something else already. He did sign up for it anyway. The video game club was pretty much packed but he did sign up for it. Today's games were Guitar Hero, League of Legends and some first person shooter, it was all brown and grey so he took no real notice of it. It seemed the consoles were brought from home and so were the laptops people were using to play LOL. The cosplay club was not very big but it was very interesting as he saw people talking about cosplay as well as wearing stuff they made. The club leader was one of the female students from his classes, she was dressed up as a Sailormoon character, Sailormoon herself in fact. The others were various characters, though some people were not dressed up at all. They did have half made costumes to show. He signed up for that and several others. As he walked elsewhere he wondered if anyone would be his friend, so far no one had even bothered, was this some strange harsh hazing he had to deal with. "Man, everything is the same but this time, I feel even more lonely," he said before stopping. Max read a sign which said something about crystal's, he was an open minded guy and so he walked into the club to see what it was about. His eyes looked, everyone, over though one person stood out, he did not stare at her or at least tried not too. Since he was going fail his task at not staring, he might as well go over to her and ask her some questions, the worse he could get was a fuck off. Though he hoped it would not come to that, he was a little nervous at first though he had a good reason for it. He resisted for a moment before biting the bullet. "Hey there, umm..... Could you tell me what this club is about, I know crystals are involved?" he asked. Now all he could do is wait for a reply, it seemed to take ages for an answer, his mind was playing games with him as time seemed to move faster for a moment. In reality, it had only been a second or two.