[quote=@BCTheEntity] Why yes, I am incredibly interested in this. Now, just to clarify, [@Dark Eternity]: would we be allowed to play as (or start the game as, anyway) characters with multiple sources of power, e.g. both the Ripple and a Stand at once? I imagine that'd mostly be "X, and also a Stand", since at least two are contradictory to one another, though I can imagine a way to combine the Ripple and vampirism into one character (through the medium of a Stand) without making either powerset unusable. [/quote] While you can combine Hamon or Spin with Vampirism/Stands, I would not recommend it, as the characters shown in the series take drawbacks from it. Joseph Joestar's Hermit Purple is of significantly low level compared to his Hamon, which I think is from his extended training in Hamon. Straizo is rumored to have been weakened through his training in Hamon when he turned into a vampire. Just in general, trying to combine Vampirism and Hamon is bad as they are exact counterparts from one another. [@Lurkerlurks] Your character looks alright. I get the Far Distance Autopilot Type, though I do need to say that it was too overly specific :) [@Gentlemanvaultboy] Stand awakenings can appear naturally, and some moments in the world that have awakened them. This includes the events stated about Angel Springs (if your character lived there during one of the events or the family settled there), while the 1985 incident will be reserved for special plot reasons. There won't be corpse Jesus lying around, the Devil's Palm is not working without the Corpse in it. As for Bow and Arrow, I have to think about it. Your character looks good to go. [@Altasaire] Your Stands look well thought out. Now you need to finish the characters :D