[@Dark Eternity] I see where you're coming from, but feel compelled to point out that by the time he got his Stand, Joseph had pretty much given up training with the Ripple, resulting in it weakening greatly and, for instance, causing him to look far closer to his actual age than he would have otherwise, and said training reduction evidently would have weakened his Stand, since that was actively capable of channeling the Ripple. There was also technically nothing stopping Straizo from still using the Ripple as a vampire either; it'd just kill him if he did, see his actual death scene. And finally, I'm under the impression that there isn't that much correlation between Stand power and the strength of other abilities: Joseph was a Ripple user, yet had a relatively weak Stand, whereas DIO the exceptionally-powerful vampire turned out to be capable of stopping time, and various Stand-wielding Spin users varied in power on both fronts, most notably Johnny's steady increase in strength on both fronts throughout Part 7. [@Keksalot] Well, yes, I mean... I was just making a joke, you know, 'cause... funny.