[center]“May I ask something?” Ryanair’s sleepy voice jostled Kieran from his thoughts, he blinked and rolled onto his back. An hour or two had passed since they'd arrived, Kieran hadn't been able to sleep. Ryanair hummed softly and shifted until he was against the headboard, Kieran turning his head to regard his fledgling. “Why did you bite her?” The simple question brought with it a tangle of emotions and blurry memories. Kieran rose onto his elbows and leaned back until his head met the headboard, a soft sigh escaping his lips. He'd expected this and for once he had no clear answer, freeing a hand and lifts it to the crimson canopy above. After a moment he licked his lips and closed his eyes, he needed to answer as best he could. “I honestly didn't know I bit her. There was a time were I had been hunted, and due to that I hadn't been given ample time to feed. My control was beyond weak and I don't remember entering a town. The memories are blurry and the only emotions I remember is pain and a bone-deep exhaustion, finding her just confuses me. I never thought of siring anyone, I'm four hundred years old damnit. I hadn't felt the bond with her until the day before yesterday, and I wonder why.” Kieran flexed his fingers and released a breath through his nose, Ryanair was silent beside him for a fee moments. “Do you regret it? Finding out you have a first fledgling while you have a second?” His tone was neutral, Kieran glanced over and found a blank expressions on the others features. Their bond was still, no rage underlying it thar Kieran could find. He remembered warm skin and the smell of sweat, the sound if crashing waves and cool sand. He'd hadn't purposely ignoring his first fledgling, he just didn't know she existed. “No. Gran has given me tips on how to remember just what happened, but I don't regret turning either of you. Your cases were different but I'm fine with having two fledgling’s, I feel as if I've failed as a sire though. I've unconciously ignored one of my fledgling’s and have kept the information from my second. Now when we meet I feel both the urge to hug her and try to mend what is clearly non-mendable, on the other hand I feel the urge to hide away. She clearly doesn't want anything to do with me, and the fact that her personality is different then yours is off-putting.” Ryanair sighed and Kieran jumped when a fist gently met the side of his head. He turned to face his second and found glowing emerald eyes watching him, Ryanair’s face still carefully blank. Still no anger filled their bond, Kieran arched a silent brow and waited. The feelings had faded and the blurry memories vanished until Kieran felt tired and raw. “I'm not in a position to give you advice, but I think starting small would be the best option. I don't much like her but then again I've only known her angry aide, she clearly hates me so I guess it's neutral. Anyway, the half-bond you feel with her will help and hopefully things settle of you take it slow. I'm new to this so don't take what I say to heart but it's what I'd do if I had a fledgling. Now can I stay here or should I go to my room? I don't feel like moving” Ryanair huffed and a yawn overtook his features, Kieran blinked and rolled onto his side. His second fledgling had a point. With little effort he tugged Ryanair down and curled up on his side. This was confronting and he wasn't going to have Ryanair get up, his second fledgling didn't protest and settled with a pillow hugged to his chest. Tomorrow he'd start, it shouldn't be so hard.[/center]