Mikail had a wild, savage gleam to his eye now he was in the midst of real combat. He eyed at his bloodied bayonet like a prized war trophy, a talisman that would see him through the very depths of hell and back without a wound to show. He roared his battle cry at the very height of his lungs, filling the small area with an invigorated cry of war. "Join me in battle! Do you WANT TO LIVE FOREVER?!" His maddened cries echoed across the battleground with all the resounding fury and hatred that a lifetime of warfare brings, each wretched little annoyance spewing forth in an unending tide of loathing towards the heretics arrayed before them. Levelling his shotgun, a manic smile on his face, Mikail watched as the barrage of low-velocity slugs tore the heretic that was threatening Jack into sheer nothingness. No agony, no misery, just a large patch of greasy red paste and a few scattered chunks of gore were all that remained of the man. Mikail was absolutely joyous at this, his smile becoming ever wider until he turned to see the prone form of Viber being assaulted by the Chaos entity. A tremendous laughter went up from the Valhallan, as he cried out yet again. "When you die, give your enemy the same honour!" With this, he levelled the immense shotgun are fired off another shell at the demonic monstrosity. The hail of buckshot, while not fatal, did as intended as a blow to the leg ripped muscles and damaged tendons with ease, causing the creature to staggered back from the Commissar. No one would harm the Valhallan's comrades. No one.