Ezra lifted his chin of his hand to regard the man as he strode towards his table acting as if he was head of Eden himself. Unable to suppress the rolling of his eyes, Ezra briefly wondered if the man realized he stood out for miles in a place like the Wastes. Yet knowing what he did of the Bloodhounds he went with the fact that the older man likely did not give a damn. An audible sigh left his lips as the Hunter stepped closer, he could tell this man was going to be a barrel of laughs yet still.. He did admittedly look to be the sort that was reliable, though he was likely lacking in the sense of humor department. ‘Well.. This should go well.’ Swinging himself around in the chair the dim light caught the hairpin, likely giving Johannes solid confirmation that this was indeed Ezra. Though for all his sarcasm, Ezra too, stood out among the people of the Wastes. Slowly his brows lifted as Johannes helped himself to a seat and made himself comfortable. “One and only. You’re .. eh.. “ ...He still could not recall the Hunter’s name to save his damn life, yet the accusation of him being late quickly snapped up his focus and he frowned. “Late? ‘Course I’m fucking late. The academy just rolled me outta the door like, ‘Surprise, your ass is travelling the damn expansion of the Wastes for your first job’. So yeah.. Sorry I ain’t super punctual. Big damn place, ya know?” Annoyance creeped across his features and he gave a wave of his head. “Yeah.. I got everything.” A part of him felt a small twinge of guilt, it wasn’t … err this guy’s fault that he was tossed out in the Wastes suddenly. Yet he stood by his words and refused to apologize, though light amber eyes flicked to the firearm at Johannes side for a brief moment. Relaxing the agitation in his tone he gave a small motion towards the man before resting his chin once more in the palm of his hand. “Seems like you’re ready too..”