Ten thousand years of recorded history, from tablets of stone to freshly bound paper pages. Peppered throughout history, every few generations, trouble would arise- And each and every time, one group rises in the history books to thwart the evil, save the people, and return the world to another few hundred years of uninterrupted peace. The five, drawn together by trouble, a bloodline of people able to do extraordinary things, trained by the heroes before them in the arts of their bloodline. Now, in the year thirty six of the age of Cain- The new world order, the monarchy most recently imposed over the known world- The Five will hear their summons again, an ancient right known as The Call that drives them, instinctively, to the home of their greatest ancestors, the original Five- Heroes of Light, Nature, Shadow, Magic, and Fury. The threat is unknown, the perils that face the world yet to be seen. But when heroes gather, interesting times are no doubt soon to take the world by storm. The rumblings of unease sweep through small towns and haunt the streets of cities- The first strike is near, and the reckoning hour comes. Will, as it has been through history, the Five prevail? Or shall this see a long-waited end to a world ruled by the chaos of man... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [hider=Terms and stuff] A little list of terms and the like that you're bound to see a lot. The Age of Cain: The Age of Cain is the latest calendar imposed by a fresh monarchy. Thirty Six years past, a ten year war between the lords of the past age came to a close, leaving the Cain family on the throne for the foreseeable future. Strong and noble, their reign has not been an unjust one, but it is one still opposed in some corners of the world. The Lords Order: While the Cain family has taken the throne, they have maintained the Lords Order- A council and court of Lords from prominent families all over the kingdom that assist in the ruling and upholding of law throughout the kingdom. The court is rife with political backstabbing and warfare, and is a dangerous place for anybody to stay for long- But they handle their jobs well, leaving the kingdom stable... For now. The Five: While currently, the Five refers to you, the players, you will quite often hear the group referred to in the past tense. Your parents, grandparents, great grandparents- Ranging back ten thousands years, the heroic bloodlines have been active. Their bloodline and acts as individuals and a group have been well recorded as long as history has -been- recorded. The Grand Scribes: The group responsible for recording history. Neutral and immune, they remain untouched in any worldwide conflict, tasked only with recording history as accurately as they can. Every king, every lord, every small-town-mayor, has a Scribe of the order at their side, maintaining a near perfect record of history since their founding- At the beginning of recorded history. Magic: While each of the Five has a very unique form of magic all their own, there -is- magic that can be learned by anybody with the drive and will to learn it. Mainly little more than illusions, basic spells, or boons and curses (Buffs/debuffs), it isn't particularly useful in war. Therefore, most that learn it are bards or local elders, who use it for dramatic effect when telling tales to the young or entertaining the people of a town. The Black Throne: The castle and throne currently inhabited by the Cain family. Not as grim as it sounds, this seat has been an ancient hold for the current monarchy- Whatever it may be- for nearly five thousand years. Originally held by the Black family, the first monarchy to hold sway over the world, it has maintained its original name out of respect all this time. This list will expand as you encounter new terms. [/hider] [hider=Rules] I know, we all hate this part. But, it's necessary, so I'll try to keep it short. 1: Don't be a bag of dicks. I'm pretty bloody lenient, so if I mention somebody is being a bag of dicks, you've probably been grating on my nerves and being downright rude for quite a while. Just be nice, polite- All that lovely stuff we were taught as kids, ya know? 2: Have bloody fun! No really. Make it bloody. BATHE IN THE CRIMSON LIFEBLOOD OF YOUR FOES AS YOU WREAK HAVOC IN THE STREE- Oh, we're the good guys. Riiiiiight. Heh. But no, do have fun- If anybody isn't having fun, I encourage them to let me know! I'll do what I can to make sure we're all still having fun by the time we reach the end of the RP. (Hopefully a -long- time from now.) 3: Be prepared.... I've lost a lot of RPs because one or two people have flaked out. I'm sick of that shit. So, be prepared... Because if you leave for more than four days without telling me, your character will vanish under mysterious circumstances! You can reclaim them if you return.... But if you've been gone for too long, be prepared to get them back with a backstory from me that very well might be dark, twisted, painful, and leave your character a little bit broken and fucked up! If you have a reasonable reason for leaving for a while, though, let me know! Even if it's something as simple as "Sick" or "Writers block". We've all been there. If you tell me why, your character will just be put on NPC auto-pilot by me until you return. However, if you leave permanently and make note of such.... I reserve the right to (Probably brutally) murder your character on screen. Give people that pleasant sense of finality! 4: Grimdark aside, let's all try to get along, right? I don't mind debates in the OOC- I encourage them! But if it turns into a serious argument, try to resolve it peacefully in PMs, or bring it to me as mediator. I like to think I'm pretty reasonable and good at keeping fights from escalating. 5: For the love of gods, stop reading rules! I've wasted enough of your time, go on, poke me or the players, see what's up! [/hider] [hider=Characters] Once my players post their characters up, I'll fill this. [/hider] [hider=Shit I forgot] I'm sure there's plenty. I'll put it all here eventually. Probably. We'll see. [/hider]