[center]Kieran smiled and waved as they mothers bid their goodbyes and moved away, he turned and placed his hands on his hips. The children were excitedly telling Ryanair stories that the other male listened to with a smile. They had calmed and we're taking turns telling a sorry, Kieran moved closer and crouched down. “Where shall we go today?” He asked the group at large, the kids turned to him and tilted their heads. They had grown slightly in the few days that had passed. Isaac had grown at least an inch, Wythe looked darker, Tyre had gained a few pounds and Sena looked taler as well. Kieran noted this with interest but allowed the four to think, Ryanair moved to his side and waited. “The shallows!” Wythe and Sena coursed as one. The two boys blinked and then nodded in agreement, Kieran frowned in thought. None of them were dressed for a day at the Shallows, they were dressed more for a day around town. Ryanair hummed softly and glanced down at the smiling faces, Kieran voiced his concerns. “I don't mind but we're not dressed for an outing. Though we can buy clothed if you'd like.” He knew the answer and turned on his heel, several pairs of excited feet followed him. Twenty minutes later and bags in tow, all six exited and moved to the right. The shallows was nothing more then a small lake that was kept hidden by a barrier of rocks, they'd found it a year before and it was the kids favorite place. “How long can we stay with you?” Were the words that Isaac asked as they moved away from the center of town to the quieter area. Kieran thought for a moment as Wythe grabbed his hand. It was surprising sometimes how they've known these kids since they were six, now their ages ranged from eight to ten. Sena and Tyre walked ahead of them, Ryanair in between the cousins with his arms relaxed at his sides. “Till dark I'd imagine. Your mother didn't say and nether did anyone else, why?” He asked with his gaze focused on the youngest of the four, Isaac blinked his brown eyes and grinned. The eldest vampire sometimes questioned how he and his fledgling become caregivers, then he remembered how they met this group of kids and he vanishes the memory. “Just curious. Did you hear? Ty’s mom is pregnant again!” Kieran blinked in surprise and turned his attention to the third eldest of the group, he was the more timid of the four. He hadn't noticed when he'd spoken to her, then again he hadn't really been paying attention. At the mention of his nickname the little blonde turned and tilted his head, his hand reaching for Ryanair’s for support. “She told me last night, Mama said she was happy.” He said with a smile, Sena was instantly hugging her cousin and Wythe had moved to congratulate him as well. Kieran shook his head and stilled when he felt the buzzing in his mind pick up a notch, he ducked his head and resumed walking. None of the kids noticed but Ryanair did, the blonde arched a brow in silent question. Kieran didn't say anything as he brushed passed the other, only trailing his fingers down his right cheek. He'd hadn't expected her to be near today, when an excited shout filled the air he shook his head and focused on the kids. If Clara came close then he'd attempt to talk her. He wasn't going to make the first move yet, and judging by the numbness that came from the bond she wanted nothing to do with him. [img]http://www.kidtherapy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Happy-group-of-kids-1.jpg[/img] [/center] [@earlymorninstar]