[hider=Draeynar Hammerfist][h3]Name: Draeynar Hammerfist (Drey-nar Hammer-fist) [/h3] [h3]Race:[/h3] Half-orc. [h3]Age: 35[/h3] [h3]Appearance:[/h3] [hider][img]http://api.ning.com/files/E8PjTOC8VYoS0Q62C4Zmug2X1wTHuEbT7ULEbQZ919kdaqpefGcTyxS102QCKJ0KaEOwc4AER6GNWRydXAw63M*wpPtFzBef/Orsimer2.jpg[/img][/hider] [h3]Personality:[/h3] As a descendent of the Hero of fury, by nature he is rather an abrasive and stubborn man, almost unable to tolerate stupidity and arrogance but sadly is a contradiction of his own self as seen in his inability to think before acting but such is the ways of the orc, the side of himself he particularly fancies. He comes across rather calm but blunt in his speech, whether he is wrong or right matters not if the end result is the same. He respects those who hold great strength and even more so those who can take him head on. He prefers simplicity when it comes to most things rather than more "complicated" solutions. The more complex the solution, the more frustrated and angry he gets. This tends to transfer over to his fighting style as well. He loves the thrill of the fight and can be shown when he feels the opponent is worth his time. But do not underestimate, his deafening blows and almost absent sense for pain is freighting but not as much as when he becomes serious, letting his emotions flow through his attacks. He had been seen in some aspects as a demon on the field, sometimes going into berserker like trances as his movements would become more wild and unpredictable and the hits become harder. He also has a love for his weapons, Bryn (Brin) and Bron (Brawn), his two battle axes and his greatsword rightfully named "The Crucible". However, he has been seen using weapons with a bit of reach though his preference is with those that make the fight more "up-close-and-personal" [h3]Hero of choice:[/h3] Hero of Fury[/hider]