[center]Oh, she knew full well that they were there, [i]both[/i] of them were there, of course. Clara was beginning to suspect that Ryanair never left the others side – although, it could have worked the other way around just as well. Idly she wondered which was which, but then again – she hadn't wanted to know either. Her nose scrunched at the thought and she shook her head, peering into one of the shops that held quite a few dresses in the window. Clara had acted as if she didn't notice Christian watching the two – hoping to god that he wouldn't bring them up. "Clara – aren't they the ones you were talking to the oth—" "Hush, Christian – I'm not up for other company this afternoon." Clara quickly cut him short, only confirming the answer to his question. It was odd, though – clearly the two were established well enough in town if the women were allowing their children to run off with them. Not to mention, the children were more than comfortable with them as well. He raised a brow as he watched them only momentarily before turning his attention back to Clara. "Don't you have enough dresses, darling? It's not as if you go anywhere to wear them." Clara gave a little hiss as she looked at him quickly. "A girl can never have enough dresses – occasions or not." She reminded him. Christian only rolled his eyes. "Oh yes, how could I forget?" Clara continued through the town, weaving in and out of the shops while Christian lingered at his side, willing to do whatever to keep her happy, even if for a short moment that day. Yet after a little while as Clara stepped out of another shop, she'd noticed the voices of the children trailing off, and glanced over to see the two of them headed elsewhere. Once more a little frown fell upon her lips and she turned away. "Christian – I'm growing tired. Perhaps we can do this another time?" She'd asked suddenly and Christian shook his head, hooking his arm with hers once more. "Nonsense. It's good that you're out of the house. I don't need you to go back slinking into bed like I know you will." That frown soon turned into a little pout as he moved her through the crowds of townspeople and deeper into town. By then, he was almost positive those two were the cause of her mood, and at some point, he needed to get to the bottom of it. [/center]