[hider=Geldebrine Delon] [h3]Name:[/h3] Geldebrine Delon [h3]Race:[/h3] Human [h3]Age:[/h3] 20 [h3]Appearance:[/h3] This young, human woman stands above average for her race, roughly six feet up from the ground. She has a very pale complexion, and the world has left very flew blemishes along her smooth skin. Her boyish figure has plenty of toned muscle, built up from plenty of exercise no doubt. She has cold, pale blue eyes with a small nose, framed underneath her golden hair, which is tied up in an intricate bun behind her head. [h3]Personality:[/h3] Geldebrine is not an outwardly kind person. Due to her heritage as a hero, she has a heavily inflated opinion about her role in the world and her status over others, though rarely this seems more like a coping mechanism to deal with the weight of her 'destiny' than what she actually believes. Regardless, she has no problem cutting someone down verbally if they start to annoy her, and often gets flustered and irritated when her status is called into question. She can display a great deal of focus when it comes to achieving her goals, though occasionally her responsibility and ego clash. She has a great deal of trouble admitting when she cannot accomplish something alone, or when she lacks the skills to accomplish something. When this is the case, she'll often throw herself at the problem without much thought until she is reasoned with or realizes nothing will come of it. [h3]Hero of choice:[/h3] Hero of Light [/hider]