Ezra glanced up as the door open, his brow pulling into a furrow as he caught Johannes’ expression towards the man standing there. Confusion worked across his features and he didn’t seem to understand what the big deal was until his eyes landed upon the man’s face. The youth was unable to suppress the shudder that ran down his spine, this man was eerie.. Seeming to wear a putrid veil around him and proudly it seemed too. Miraculum. The color drained from Ezra’s face as his hand suddenly went to his bicep, though he quickly turned his face towards the table to hide his look of fear as Johannes leaned to whisper to him. No fight.. No snarking. Just a softly whispered, “Okay.” Though he mostly kept his face angled towards the table his light brown eyes followed the Hunter towards where the mage stood, intimidating the two kids who sat there. His heart plummeted into his stomach as Johannes approached. Shit, he was not prepared to go up against an agent of the Miraculum.