[center]Christian had kept true to his word and had kept her out the entirety of the day. Not only had they continued shopping until he knew Clara had enough, he made sure to keep them busy with a few drinks through dinner time. Anything to keep the girl distracted – that was Christian's goal at the end of it all. With how busy he'd kept her, Clara had eventually lost track of time and track of her distracting thoughts. No, there hadn't been a second thought at all to where Kieran and his little pet had run off to. For a moment in time, Clara was able to just enjoy herself- not to mention, the alcohol over dinner had helped quite substantially. Once the sun had begun to fall, the town was beginning to clear once more and Christian had decided it might be best to return home. He hadn't quite caught site of Kieran or Ryanair just yet, and thought it might be best to get her home before she noticed the two of them. "See, Clara? I told you today wouldn't be so bad." Christian chided as he looped his arm with hers, carrying all of the bags that the two of them managed to collect. Clara only gave a little huff in return, leaning her head on his shoulder. "Yes, well – you're not [i]always[/i] right, you know." She commented, giving him a little nudge. "Sometimes a girl just needs her space." "You need it too often, my darling." He corrected her as they moved from the restaurant and back into the center of town. Their steps were slow, mainly enjoying the cooler evening air – lagging on their way back home. Christian had been a welcomed distraction, she had to admit, and he was right at least that day. Although, Clara never minded being alone. If he hadn't come to drag her out of bed, she would have stayed there for most of the day – content to both sleep it away and simply remain alone with her thoughts. He'd been right to collect her this time, however. Clara idly toyed with the fabric of his sleeve as they walked, but it wasn't long at all before she'd felt that familiar itch coming back to her senses. Her lips curled into that familiar frown and she straightened back up as they approached the center of town. "How about I meet you home, Christian?" She looked up at him as she pulled away slightly. Christian raised a brow as he studied her for a moment, wondering if he should fight it and unravel her positive mood for the day – or if he should just allow it and count his blessings. "…Alright, Clara… But not too long, alright?" Clara had only shrugged in return. "I won't be late. I just want to go on a walk is all." Christian had only nodded before he finally separated from her with a sigh, although he looked almost comedic with the amount of bags he was carrying. Most were hers, and he'd drop them off in her room for her to sort through on her return. Anything to keep her happy… Clara watched him go for a long moment before she continued through town, her hands idly playing with a strand of loose curls that fell in front of her. She didn't know exactly what she was planning – perhaps she only wanted to see if he was avoiding her just as much as she'd been avoiding him… [/center]