[center]Her steps were quiet through the town as she had glanced up to watch the sky’s light fading away for the evening. Perhaps it would have been better if she headed straight home with Christian. That way, she could simply distract herself with her purchases, and sit down with a good book for the evening. What good could really come from seeking Kieran out again? Each and every time she hadn’t received a response even remotely close to what she’d expected. Hell, she’d even gotten him out of a sticky situation without even as much of a thanks in return. Regardless of the fact that she’d only done it since she was determined to be the one to cause him harm - no one else had been allowed that privilege... Clara had felt him close by in no time and suddenly became uneasy; unsure of what exactly to do should there be a confrontation. Surely he would ignore her and pull along his other little pet to leave her -- that’s how it’s been all along anyway, hadn’t it? Yet, as she continued to near him, she’d noticed the air had changed. She’d heard the tussle before her and instead of rushing into it, she’d stayed back, pressing herself against the closest building to conceal herself before she managed to peer around the corner. She’d seen him remove the arrow from his chest, and all at once her gaze was lifted to find the culprit. She peered into the darkness, surveying the area carefully, slowly -- Lord, it seemed this man had many more enemies than just herself, hadn’t he? Well, that just wouldn’t do. It was her job, and her job solely to bring him to his knees. Her jaw had been set as she noticed the second male who was occupied with Kieran. Her attention still remained above until she’d seen him. Slowly, she’d crouched and lifted her skirts, carefully slipping a dagger out from the garter that she wore. A girl could never be unprepared, after all. Silently, she leapt from balcony to balcony to slowly approach her target - once more slipping behind him with the dagger to his throat. “Hello, love.” She whispered with a grin, loving the thrill that always came with a good kill. “Now - what is it that you’re after, hm?” It was more of a question for herself, knowing she wouldn’t receive an answer from an unwilling captive. Still, she held onto him carefully for a moment longer. “Let’s go then, shall we?” And with that she leapt back down, holding onto the male as they hit the ground, the dagger pressed tight enough against his skin to draw blood. “Hello, darlings.” Clara purred, eyeing both Kieran and the other male before her. “I’d suggest you’d leave now if you want your friend here all in one piece.” [/center] [@arista]