[center][h1][b]Canon Characters[/b][/h1][/center] [hider=Soldier 76] [center] [h1][b][color=525d9b]"Soldier: 76"[/color][/b][/h1] [h3][b][color=525d9b]Jack Morrison[/color][/b][/h3] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/49/3e/8b/493e8b995966ab8b82d60f2df46234bc.jpg[/img] [/center] [b][color=525d9b]Code Name:[/color][/b] [indent]Soldier 76[/indent] [b][color=525d9b]Real Name:[/color][/b] [indent]Jack Morrison[/indent] [b][color=525d9b]Age:[/color][/b] [indent]Unknown[/indent] [b][color=525d9b]Race:[/color][/b] [indent]Human[/indent] [b][color=525d9b]Nationality:[/color][/b] [indent]American[/indent] [b][color=525d9b]Personality:[/color][/b] [indent]Soldier: 76 displays a grouchy and serious demeanor, occasionally grumbling about his old age. He insults his opponents by saying that they've got a lot to learn and, according to himself, doesn't play by the same fighting rules that he used to. He's obsessed with bringing criminals to justice, even if it means taking extreme measures to hunt them down. Even though he initially saw no point in bringing back Overwatch to combat the Second Omnic Crisis, he really missed being able to fight alongside them and is still proud to fight alongside his teammates. In spite of this behavior, Soldier: 76 is willing to protect the innocent, even at the cost of letting his adversaries get away. A prime example is when he shields a young girl, named Alejandra, from the explosion of a grenade rather than immediately chasing after the Los Muertos gang. He also seems to commend his team once in a while, as shown by his positive comparisons of Pharah to her mother.[/indent] [b][color=525d9b]Physical Appearance:[/color][/b] [indent]Soldier 76 has a height of 6'1" (1.85 meters) and his a rather fit, but decently, old man with white hair, cold blue eyes, and a scar running diagonally down his right eye.[/indent] [b][color=525d9b]Affiliations:[/color][/b] [indent]Overwatch[/indent] [b][color=525d9b]Brief History:[/color][/b] [indent]Jack Morrison grew up in rural Indiana. The young Morrison has been described in many different ways. He was a rambunctious youth. A humble, salt-of-the-earth farmer's son. But those asked all agree that Morrison was never destined to live out his days in the land of rolling plains and deep blue skies. At eighteen, Morrison packed his bags and joined the military. He had planned to serve a brief stint in the armed forces and then return home to the family farm, but his work ethic and courage caught the eye of the military brass. Before long, he earned a coveted position in the government's controversial and still-classified (but widely acknowledged) "soldier enhancement program." Military scientists shaped Morrison and other inductees into the perfect soldiers, blessed with superhuman speed, strength, and agility. Morrison and his fellow augmented soldiers would soon put their abilities to use with the advent of the Omnic Crisis. As governments tried and failed to neutralize the omnics, the United Nations was busy forming an international task force called Overwatch. This small, experimental group would bring together the best and brightest from around the world to wage asymmetrical warfare against the robots. Overwatch's short list of prospective agents included two members of the soldier enhancement program: Morrison and Gabriel Reyes, a senior officer. Reyes and Morrison became fast friends, despite their different backgrounds, and decided to join Overwatch together. Leadership of Overwatch fell to Reyes, but Morrison would have a greater impact on the group in the long term. He brought out the best in the people around him and helped mold Overwatch's diverse (and sometimes conflicting) agents into a cohesive fighting force. In unity, they found the strength to defeat the robots and end the Omnic Crisis. The UN rewarded Morrison for his contributions by making him Overwatch's first official commander. Reyes was passed over in the process, and it created a rift between the two men that would lead to tragic consequences. After the Omnic Crisis, Overwatch experienced a meteoric rise in prominence. New funding and resources gave the now-public organization far-reaching global influence. The world celebrated Overwatch's agents as heroes, but none more so than Morrison. He became the face of Overwatch, a symbol of hope and promise, from the cobblestone streets of King's Row to the sweltering night markets of Bangkok. Morrison envisioned a bright new future for humanity. Under his leadership, Overwatch served as a global peacekeeping force and an engine for innovation, making advances in scientific fields as varied as space exploration and medical research. But even as Overwatch grew in power, Morrison stayed dedicated to the people around him. He trained new agents, instilling in them Overwatch's noble goals and ideals. At some point he was stationed at Watchpoint: Gibraltar. It was not to last however. Decades after the Omnic Crisis, Overwatch was shaken by a series of allegations, and its agents became targets of derision for the media. Morrison did his best to hold Overwatch together, but he was facing an internal rebellion led by Reyes, whose motives were unknown, but remained bitter that Morrison had been given the position of Overwatch's commander, and the rift that had started there had grown ever since. One year before Overwatch's disbandment, Morrison and Reyes came to blows at Overwatch's Swiss HQ. At some point, their fighting triggered an explosion that destroyed the facility. Morrison was supposedly buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Reinhardt Wilhelm, one of Overwatch's original members, spoke highly of him at his funeral. Statues of him continue to be frequented. In truth, however, Morrison's body was never recovered. He considered the blast the fault of his enemies, and reflected how they believed him dead. A truth, but in his mind, part of him did die that day. Five years after the end of Overwatch, a series of attacks was made on financial institutions, shadowy corporations, and former Overwatch facilities, all carried out by an unidentified male called "Soldier: 76." in each case where he stole some Overwatch tech. This included Watchpoint: Grand Mesa, where he stole a pulse rifle. Helix Security International personnel attempted to engage him, but 76 escaped apprehension. None of the personnel were killed, though some were treated for non-threatening injuries. One of them stated (under conditions of anonymity) that the assailant possessed strength and speed beyond anything a normal person should possess, and that he likely had military training. The United States turned its attention to apprehending him, and indeed, Soldier: 76 became the target of an international manhunt. In truth, Soldier: 76 was Jack Morrison. Thanks to his raids, Morrison was now equipped with an arsenal of cutting-edge technology. Here, he used it to wage his personal war to expose the truth behind Overwatch's collapse: to find those responsible, and bring them to justice. When Winston initiated Operation: Recall, to call back the members of Overwatch, Soldier: 76 was hesitant to join at first. However, he decided to change his mind and ultimately rejoined his old comrades to fight evil terrorists once again.[/indent] [b][color=525d9b]Combat Role:[/color][/b] [indent]Offensive[/indent] [b][color=525d9b]Sub-class:[/color][/b] [indent]Assault[/indent] [b][color=525d9b]Abilities:[/color][/b] [indent][list] [*][b]Helix Rockets:[/b] Tiny rockets spiral out of Soldier 76’s Pulse Rifle in a single burst. The rockets’ explosion damages enemies in a small radius. [*][b]Sprint:[/b] Whether he needs to evade a firefight or get back into one, Soldier 76 can rush ahead in a burst of speed. His sprint ends if he takes an action other than charging forward. He can not use any of his other abilities while sprinting. [*][b]Biotic Field:[/b] Soldier 76 plants a biotic emitter on the ground. Its energy projection restores health to 76 and any of his squadmates within the field. The field cannot be destroyed by enemies. [*][b]Heavy Pulse Rifle:[/b] Soldier: 76’s rifle remains particularly steady while unloading fully-automatic pulse fire. [*][b]Tactical Visor (Ultimate}:[/b] Soldier 76’s pinpoint targeting visor “locks” his aim on the threat closest to his crosshairs. If an enemy leaves his line of sight, Soldier 76 can quickly switch to another target. Using the ability also increases the reload speed of 76's Pulse Rifle while active. [/list][/indent] [b][color=525d9b]Strengths:[/color][/b] [indent]Soldier 76 is the most well-rounded of the Assault heroes. He's able to deal both sustained and burst damage at any range, move quickly across the battlefield, and support both himself and his team through the use of Biotic Field. He will work well with most of the original team members, but mostly they include Reinhardt, Torbjörn, Pharah, and Mercy.[/indent] [b][color=525d9b]Weaknesses:[/color][/b] [indent]His downsides are a lack of any real specialization with his weapons or abilities, no vertical movement, and a less impactful Ultimate when compared to other Assault heroes.[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Winston] [center][h1][b][color=e1dfd8]Winston[/color][/b][/h1] [img]https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/p640x640/13525563_1715928965324963_1990543841_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTI3OTQ3MzA0MjA0OTE2NzE4NA%3D%3D.2[/img] [/center] [b][color=595959]Real Name:[/color][/b] [indent]Winston[/indent] [b][color=595959]Age:[/color][/b] [indent]29[/indent] [b][color=595959]Race:[/color][/b] [indent]Primate - Genetically Enhanced Gorilla[/indent] [b][color=595959]Nationality:[/color][/b] [indent]Horizon Moon Colony[/indent] [b][color=595959]Personality:[/color][/b] [indent]Winston is an awkward yet gentle giant, never wanting to inflict unnecessary harm on innocents and often stuttering whenever someone compliments him. He is a huge fan of Overwatch and really cares about its members to the point of calling them family. He also seems to have a love for peanut butter and bananas. Winston is rather smart when it comes to craftsmanship, as shown by his ability to create the chronal accelerator. He is even considered an intelligent scientist as well, and he hates being called a monkey.[/indent] [b][color=595959]Physical Appearance:[/color][/b] [indent]Winston is a genetically enhanced gorilla at a height of 2.2 meters (7.3 feet) with advanced armor that he uses for protection.[/indent] [b][color=595959]Affiliations:[/color][/b] [indent]Horizon moon Colony (Formerly) Overwatch (Formerly; Currently)[/indent] [b][color=595959]Brief History:[/color][/b] [indent]The Horizon Lunar Colony was established as a first step for humanity's renewed exploration of space. Among its residents was a group of genetically enhanced gorillas that were intended to test the effects of prolonged habitation in space. One gorilla displayed such rapid brain development from the gene therapy that he was taken under the wing of Dr. Harold Winston, who taught him science and inspired him with tales of human ingenuity. The young gorilla passed his days assisting with the scientists' experiments, watching the distant blue world outside his habitat window, dreaming of the endless possibilities that awaited him there. But his life was thrown into chaos when the other gorillas led an uprising, killed the mission scientists, and claimed the colony for their own. Taking on the name of his beloved human caretaker, Winston built a makeshift rocket and escaped to Earth. There he found a new home with Overwatch, an organization that represented everything he had come to admire about humanity. Winston was finally able to live up to the heroic ideal that had been instilled in him. There, he became both a soldier and a scientist. His skill in combat led to him defeating Doomfist, and his craftsmanship helped him save the life of Tracer by building her chronal accelerator. After the collapse of Overwatch, Winston and Athena retreated to Watchpoint: Gibraltar, from which he launched a satellite drone in the event that Overwatch would need to be recalled. He included with it a personal message to the former agents. At one point, Winston's lab at the Watchpoint was invaded by Reaper and several Talon agents. He was able to dispatch them, and afterwards decided to finally recall Overwatch agents to active duty.[/indent] [b][color=595959]Combat Role:[/color][/b] [indent]Tank[/indent] [b][color=595959]Sub-class:[/color][/b] [indent]Offensive Tank[/indent] [b][color=595959]Abilities:[/color][/b] [indent][list] [*][b]Jump Pack:[/b] Assisted by his energy pack, Winston lunges through the air, dealing significant damage and staggering nearby enemies when he lands. [*][b]Barrier Projector:[/b] Winston’s barrier projector extends a bubble-shaped field that absorbs damage until it's destroyed. Allies protected by the barrier can return fire from within it. [*][b]Telsa Cannon:[/b] Winston’s weapon fires a short-range electric barrage for as long as he holds down the trigger. [*][b]Fists:[/b] Winston's fists can do a good deal of melee damage towards his opponent. [*][b]Primal Rage (Ultimate):[/b] Winston embraces his animal nature, significantly boosting his health and making him very difficult to kill, strengthening his melee attack, and allowing him to use his Jump Pack ability more frequently. While raging, Winston can only make melee and Jump Pack attacks. [/list][/indent] [b][color=595959]Strengths:[/color][/b] [indent]Winston is one of the most mobile Tanks, capable of crossing vast distances in a single leap to bring the fight to his enemies. His Tesla Cannon, combined with the agility provided by his Jump Pack, makes him a persistent menace that can easily disrupt any enemy team through constant harassment and the power of his Primal Rage.[/indent] [b][color=595959]Weaknesses:[/color][/b] [indent]Much like Reinhardt, he is only capable of fighting at short range, and he is not nearly as consistently durable as the other Tanks.[/indent] [/hider] [hr][hr] [center][h1][b]OC Characters[/b][/h1][/center] [hider=Creatrix] [center][img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/stormfaze.regular_zpsbwfpon0i.png[/img] [img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/stormfaze.regular_zps58gte6lo.png[/img] [img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/Screen%20Shot%202016-06-13%20at%205.49.41%20PM_zpsd0fkmacz.png[/img] [hr][hr] [/center] [color=5182b9][b]Code Name:[/b][/color] [indent]"Creatrix"[/indent] [color=5182b9][b]Real Name:[/b][/color] [indent]UPC Advanced Engineering Robot Mk. 12[/indent] [color=5182b9][b]Age:[/b][/color] [indent]19[/indent] [color=5182b9][b]Race:[/b][/color] [indent]Omnic[/indent] [color=5182b9][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] [indent]Los Angeles, California - United States[/indent] [color=5182b9][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [indent]Creatix is a humble robot with a brilliant mind of creating things to help his allies in battle. He is incredibly intelligent, polite, and very mindful of his situation, being able to fix and create almost anything as long as he has the certain tools and parts for it. He's a good listener, while also being a good mentor to other future engineers. One thing he's really interested in currently is the anatomy and structure of the organic body, making him curious on how a bio-mechanical creation works. When not at work, Creatix usually relaxes and listens to classical music, and you can sometimes even hear him humming to some of his more favorite tracks. He also doesn't like to listen to those with rudeness or those who are simply not educated enough for him, which he can sometimes be a wisecrack to them, and he sometimes makes awkward jokes.[/indent] [color=5182b9][b]Physical Appearance:[/b][/color] [indent]Creatrix is a mechanical robot, coming in at a height of approximately 6 feet tall. His color scheme is mostly white and blue, with light neon blue being the color of his wiring. He also has a single blue eye on the right side of his head, a second one being non-existent to the opposite side. The metal that he is made of quite sturdy, but also surprisingly lightweight, enabling him to traverse quickly on all sorts of terrain. Creatrix is also commonly seen wearing a thin sports-mesh shirt, which also serves as minimal protection against incoming bullets, despite his metal exterior being able to deflect some bullets.[/indent] [color=5182b9][b]Affiliations:[/b][/color] [indent]Overwatch[/indent] [color=5182b9][b]Brief History:[/b][/color] [indent]The sentient robot we now know as “Creatrix” was created from within a Union Programming Corporation (UPC) facility in the blaring heat of Los Angeles, California. He was created simply as a omnic engineer, who was programmed to build new creations and create new technological marvels. Of course, he wasn’t the only one in the entire facility, as there were around 50 other omnics that he worked alongside with. Yet he seemed to have a bit of a bolt stuck in his head. While he worked fine for two months, he then seemed to be slacking in his jobs, often getting slower, sloppier, and lazier. No matter what tweaking one did to the robot’s mind, they just simply couldn’t find the problem. In fact, they were thinking that they would have to scrap him into parts if he didn’t find a way to self-repair his systems. That would be ultimately be put to the test. During the War, the terrorist organization known as Talon, attacked the UPC base in Los Angeles in their attempt to stop the production of these engineering robots. Unfortunately, with their programing being assigned to constructing and engineering, the robots were helpless as they turned into scrap, and the humans into blood baths. Creatrix tried to assess the situation, when he was suddenly hit by a piece of exploded debris to his head. He momentarily shut down, as if a plug was pulled from his programing, and was renderedunconscious. However, he managed to wake up just a several seconds later, not as himself, but as a new robot being. It was like a new plug had inserted into his programing, one that was indeed better than before. With some newly acquired quick-thinking, he grabs two of the nearest weapons to him, those being the new prototype DIO-Photon Cannons, and began to fire at the terrorists. Eventually, he somehow managed to force them into retreat, but at a price of the UPC base to be completely destroyed. Out of all the robots in that facility, Creatrix found himself to be the last to still be operational. The plans to make more had also ceased to exist, so the production could not go on. However, in their place, was the birth and the baptize of one of the most intelligent engineers of Overwatch. The name “Creatrix” was here to stay. Once called into Overwatch, Creatrix’s new mind and lease on life made him able to create various gadgets that would help them win the war. It was also here where he created his own mobile turret module, who could self upgrade provided he gave it enough materials, as well as a portable battle dispenser. He would prove to be a valuable asset in the war, one that has saved a battle more than once, usually alongside big name heroes such as Torbjörn or Symmetra or simply by himself. However, when Overwatch disbanded, Creatrix was forced to go elsewhere. Having heard of a new UPC building being in Miami, Florida, the omnic found himself a new place to where he would work as a scientist and engineer for the next several years. When the Overwatch were called back into action, Creatrix couldn’t ignore the invitation. Packing up his things, as well as his newfound knowledge, he goes back to help save the day once more.[/indent] [color=5182b9][b]Combat Role:[/b][/color] [indent]Defensive[/indent] [color=5182b9][b]Sub-class:[/b][/color] [indent]Builder[/indent] [color=5182b9][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] [indent][list] [*][b]Build Sentry Turret:[/b] Creatrix constructs an enemy-seeking, mobile autocannon that locks onto incoming enemies and can be upgraded to three levels, enhancing its performance. Only one can be built at a time, which takes 130 scrap pieces to build, and 200 scrap pieces to upgrade. It has a range of up to ten meters on its own. [*][b]Build Health Dispenser:[/b] Creatrix constructs a dispenser that provides health packs for any friendly. Only one can be built at a time and takes 100 scrap pieces to build, and 200 scrap pieces to upgrade. [*][b]Direct Control:[/b] Creatrix can tap into the turret he has created and assume direct control over its function. Here, it has no range boundary and Creatrix can fire upon anyone at almost any range as long as he sees them. [*][b]Twin DIO-Photon Cannons:[/b] Creatrix can shoot streaks of plasma energy at an opponent. Can also switch it to become a gravity tool to place and fix his creations. [*][b]Scrap Collector (Passive):[/b] On the battlefield, Creatrix can pick up unwanted scrap to repair or build new turrets. He can carry precisely 200 pieces of metal at a time. [*][b]Shield Bubble (Ultimate):[/b] When under fire, Creatrix can throw a small device that once on the ground can issue a shield bubble covering 12 feet in both diameter and 8 feet in height for 20 seconds. All enemy weaponry cannot penetrate through the shield, including bombs, but the enemy can still walk right through it. Friendlies can fire from within the shield, but Creatrix cannot use his "Direct Control" ability on his turret. [/list][/indent] [color=5182b9][b]Strengths:[/b][/color] [indent]Creatrix is a highly intelligent omnic that uses his programing in building creations and strategical calculations to help win the battle at hand. His turret can soak up a good deal of damage, as well as dishing out impressive firepower in the process. He can be considered a combination of both Torbjörn and Symmetra, while be similar when it comes to upgrading his turrets and collecting scrap from the former, his style however being more relating towards the latter, as well as having a dispenser as a support unit like her teleporter. He otherwise works well with other defensive players.[/indent] [color=5182b9][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] [indent]Creatrix must rely on his creations to help him in battle. Despite his turret being quite strong against enemy forces, it does have a limited range of ten meters when not using "Direct Control". Further more, while the DIO-Photon cannons can issue some decent damage against enemy forces, they're otherwise rather weak in firepower. High-defense tank units, units partnered with healers, and snipers from a very far distance are good counters against Creatrix.[/indent] [b]Extra Info:[/b] [indent][list] [*][b]D-289 Mobile Sentry Turret:[/b] A mobile turret Creatrix can create that rapid fires on the enemy. Level 2 adds another barrel on top, a 10% mobility boost, and a 15% reload time boost. Level 3 adds a third gun, allowing the turret to fire a bigger energy blast, with a 15% mobility boost and an additional 20% reload time boost. When fully upgraded, its mobility stat is up by 25%, and the reload being up by 30%. [hider=Level 1 Sentry Turret] [img]http://i.imgur.com/X8RPAri.jpg?1[/img][/hider] [*] Creatrix's voice would sound much like VEGA from Doom 2016. [/list][/indent] [/hider] [hider=Rappy] [center][h1][b][color=crimson]"Rappy"[/color][/b][/h1] [h2][b][color=crimson]Novaraptor[/color][/b][/h2] [img]http://img01.deviantart.net/8c29/i/2005/241/c/e/halo_velociraptor_by_art_minion_andrew0.jpg[/img][/center] [color=crimson][b]Code Name:[/b][/color] [indent]"Rappy"[/indent] [color=crimson][b]Real Name:[/b][/color] [indent]Novaraptor[/indent] [color=crimson][b]Age:[/b][/color] [indent]26[/indent] [color=crimson][b]Race:[/b][/color] [indent]Novaraptor ipsumius[/indent] [color=crimson][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] [indent]Horizon Lunar Colony[/indent] [color=crimson][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [indent]Rappy is an intelligent and hot-tempered Raptor that has a slight affinity for gun weaponry. He can be friendly and outgoing in times of peace, as well as possibly mess around with some of his fellow mates, but then become serious and focused during battle or other no-nonsense situations. He tends to be a little aggressive at times, often talking smack to those he doesn't like and occasionally tries to slash their faces, depending on what they've done to piss him off. Rappy can also be sneaky when scouting deep into enemy territory and loves to unleash an ambush on the enemy forces, for he also has absolutely no fear of almost anything and anyone. He also despises Talon with a vengeful fury, all after what they did to him those years back...[/indent] [color=crimson][b]Physical Appearance:[/b][/color] [indent]Rappy stands at 5'3" and is 20 feet (7 meters) long from tip to tail. His usual color is a very dark crimson color on his back, which transitions to being more brown on the sides, ultimately becoming white under his belly. He has six black feathers at the back of his head which can also determine how Rappy feels (straight means he's normal, standing up means he's happy or angry, and drooping down means he's sad or intimidated). He also has three sharp claws on both his hands, which still allow him to pick up weapons, as well as three on his feet, with one being a sickle claw on each. His red-n-black armor is also custom fitted to fit with his body, however he cannot take it off as it stays permanently to his body like Winston's.[/indent] [color=crimson][b]Affiliations:[/b][/color] [indent]Horizon Lunar Colony (Formerly) Talon (Formerly) Overwatch (Formerly & Currently)[/indent] [color=crimson][b]Brief History:[/b][/color] [indent]The Horizon Lunar Colony was a space colony intended to serve as a launching point for humanity's next step in space exploration. In an effort to study the effects of long-term living in space, the station housed a number of genetically enhanced gorillas, as well as other creatures onboard as well. Despite the majority of the genetic animals being the great apes, there were some that weren't an ape. Hell, some weren't even mammals in the first place... let alone extinct. One of these creatures was the first revived dinosaur to be ever genetically created. This was a Novaraptor named Rappy. As a hatchling, he was taken great care by the scientists onboard the facility and basically grew up with them. He also made some friends with the gorillas onboard the base, including a very specific one named Winston. In fact, out of all the gorillas, the two has a pretty good bond for one another, both being overshadowed by their original owners. However, during the Gorilla uprising of the HLC, Rappy and the other scientists were forced to escape the station. While most of the scientists were killed, some of those working with Rappy took them to their space rocket and simply flew back to Earth. Despite safely leaving the moon base, the landing on Earth couldn't be said the same. While approaching the atmosphere, one of the wings broke off from the ship, making the pilot loose control and crash into a densely packed forest in Africa. Everyone but Rappy was killed during impact. The raptor was able to survive the crash but was now alone in what to him was an entirely new world. For years he traversed the continent of Africa, keeping himself mostly out of sight and trying to keep himself alive, until eventually being found by the Talon terrorist organization. This terrorist organization kidnapped poor Rappy and tried to make him part of their group. Threatened by death, he was forced to accept being with them and was brainwashed into serving them. For the next few years, Rappy was forced to work for Talon and to fight Overwatch. Despite being mind controlled, he still had his own mind still in tact and tired to escape the brainwashing that the terrorists forcibly bestowed on him. He even tried getting the brainwashed chip out of his head, but was unfortunately unable to do so as any attempt in doing so would simply shock him. However, all would begin to change on that one day where he was on a mission at Watchpoint Gibraltar. It was there that he finally met back with Winston, that old childhood friend he had back on the moon base. It was there were Rappy's memories began to fluctuate, as if the memory of him was trying to refuse the brainwashed chip from controlling him, only to be met with agonizing shocks of electricity. At first, the two fought against one another, until Rappy begged in agony, that Winston should remove the chip from his head. Despite the raptor furiously fighting back against his own will, the gorilla agent was successful in removing the chip from his old friend's head and finally released from this brainwashed torture. Rappy gratefully thanked Winston for his help and soon after joined Overwatch. Unfortunately, despite seeing some action, that too wasn't to last, as soon enough Overwatch was disbanded. This forced Rappy to hide in the wilderness once again, trying to stop any crime wherever and whenever it happened, as well as assassinating any Talon operatives he could find, making himself quite a target for them. As the years passed by however, he eventually received the Recall from Winston and Overwatch, allowing Rappy to finally get back with the program he so rightfully deserved.[/indent] [color=crimson][b]Combat Role:[/b][/color] [indent]Offense[/indent] [color=crimson][b]Sub-class:[/b][/color] [indent]Scout | Flanker[/indent] [color=crimson][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] [indent][list] [*][b]Double-Jump:[/b] Rappy can double jump using two launchers, each on his leg armor, that allows him to reach higher places. [*][b]Stealth Mine:[/b] Rappy can drop a stealth mine that detonates if an enemy steps on it. Usually used in tight corridors or in sneaky locations. He can drop three active ones at a time. [*][b]DG-93 Burst Rifle (Primary Attack):[/b] The DG-93 seeker rifle can fire four rapid shots per trigger. [*][b]Bite (Secondary Attack):[/b] In close combat situations, if Rappy gets close to an opponent, he can also bite them, causing some damage to them. [*][b]Wall Climb (Passive):[/b] Rappy can wall climb on walls, both vertically or horizontally, and can latch onto said wall. [*][b]Killswitch (Ultimate):[/b] Rappy's eyes glow yellow as he locks on to his next victim. If he can lock on to his prey for three seconds, he'll instantly run super quickly towards his opponent, latch onto it, slash and gnaw it, and take off 90% - 100% of the enemy's health, while also regenerating most of his health in the process. While searching for his opponent, he has ten seconds to find and lock onto it, and if he fails, it simply doesn't do anything but heal him up by 50%. [/list][/indent] [color=crimson][b]Strengths:[/b][/color] [indent]Rappy is a very fast unit that can maneuver very quickly and strike pretty hard whether it's with his guns or claws. He's also quite stealthy, with his smaller body being able to hide pretty well and ambush when the time is right, as well as being a good distractor against the enemy. With his double-jump, Rappy can also hop onto places where no normal human would be able too.[/indent] [color=crimson][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] [indent]Despite the armor, Rappy isn't the strongest unit, and can be picked off fairly easy by heavy fire or simply a well placed shot to the head or any exposed skin.[/indent] [/hider]