[center]Quite frankly, she’d been surprised by the male’s reaction - so willing to toss one of his own aside. Who the hell were these people, and how the hell did Kieran get caught up with them? She narrowed her gaze at the other as he spoke, the grip on her dagger tightening. Fine - if they were so willing to die in the line of duty -- without a thought she quickly dragged the blade against his throat and tossed him aside. She’d heard Kieran’s words and turned her attention back to the other rooftops in search of where the new arrow had come from. Fuck - she hadn’t been involved in a good fight in a very long time -- Christian tended to stay low and had far more friends than enemies - Clara didn’t dabble much to create those same enemies. With a grunt she’d headed towards the other rooftops, bounding towards the one with a crossbow. She’d heard the arrows already whizzing past her as she ran, one grazing her arm as she let out a quick hiss. “Bastard.” Clara bit out, the dagger flipped outwards so as she passed the other male, she sliced out towards him. Her first attempt was a miss as the male bounded towards her and caught her off guard - both of them tumbling on the rooftop. He’d at first thrown his weight atop of her and she growled as she swung a fist up, making contact with his jaw. It was enough to startle him and she lifted her hips up to knock him off balance and off of her. Once more, the man had run after her, his bow discarded in the tussle. She had met him head on again, slicing wherever she could. Who the hell were these people -- especially since they knew how to keep up with both of them? Another growl fell from her lips as he landed a kick to her stomach and she was almost thrown off balance, but in one swift throw, the dagger ended up landing in the other male’s chest. “God damnit!” She hissed with a long huff. Yet, within an instant she knew something was wrong - something suddenly had her on high alert and had lifted her adrenaline and anxiety to new heights. She’d turned sharply to see Kieran holding onto the edge of another roof, the other male headed his way, and she let out another growl. Son of a bitch - how many times did she have to save his ass before she killed him herself? Running towards the edge of the roof she’d been on, she scooped up the bow and grabbed another arrow from the gurgling male that she’d discarded before she stopped suddenly to shoot. “Hey! Asshole!” Clara yelled out towards the male headed towards Kieran before she let the arrow fly his way. [/center][@Arista]