[b]AN ALLEYWAY IN FULLER PARK 6:32 PM[/b] "...you got some real fuckin' guts, kid." Big Rig tilted his head slightly as he looked down at the young man making his case unto him, drumming his fingers on the window edge slightly as he let his shotgun go for the time being. This kid wasn't a threat, his voice made it sound like he was still in school even. Kids needed hobbies after all... "Walking right up to the truck and figuring i'd just take ya on?" Though something else he said cut through the bullshit for a moment... the Iconoclasts. So they WERE out hunting tonight? Big Rig hadn't heard that confirmed on any radio station... but street chatter tended to ring true when it mattered. Fuck, he hadn't gotten that higher density armour plating on... just the regular. It'd stop most shit, but who knows what those maniacs were packing... "They're out tonight, huh?" He scratched his chin slightly. "Alright kid, get in the other side. You better know how to shoot too by the way or i'll throw you out at 60 MPH." He might as well instill some fear in his new little partner so he wouldn't try and shoot him. Besides, he knew his way around his cabin better than he did.