[@DeadBeatWalking][@Eyeruption] I guess I may want to clear up a few things here, as both of you make good points, but things also seem to be getting mixed up here. The Elves are not evil, nor are they like D&D style goblins (although some might be!). What they [i]are[/i] are more exaggerated versions of the Fae/Fairy Folk/Little People found in European mythology but also retaining those features. One example of this might be that a farmer promises an 'Elf' - which is the name by which most humans call anything not a Troll, Giant etc - a portion of his harvest if it is good. When the time comes the farmer goes back on his promise, something particularly heinous to our Elf. Not only does our injured party set fire to the entire crop, but the next day the farmer finds his child replaced by a sickly [i]thing[/i] imitating his only son, haunting laughter and a babies cries coming from somewhere and nowhere at once. The terror attacks and the like are not so much out of evil and malevolant motivations, but more because of a burning desire to retain a place both in the pantheon of human memory and within their own 'realm' as it were. This setting - as I shall explain more in the OOC - is split between two worlds, that of the human world and that of the more fantastical world 'beyond the veil'. Elvenkind, and differing kinds of Elves, aren't wholly accepted in either realm, both because of their own warmongering actions in their early history and because of the fact that they failed in trying to achieve dominance which has left them in this mess. [quote]I think that in this game, elves are a subject of honest fear and terror for humans, which is why they still survive without being made extinct by the humanity.[/quote] This is true; think of what reverance and even fear that simple Fairies at the bottom of the garden have been held in over the centuries, how stories of carin-dwelling Trowls and mystical standing stones still permeates our collective psyche to this day. Once driven back into a varying wilderness and exile, over time they were forgotten as vicious killers, as beings who had once tried to commit genocide on an entire race, but became rememgered as milk-sourers and mischevious sprites...still feared, but also mocked and scoffed at by those more inclined to science. Many believing that they never exist/existed at all. I'll get some more up later, got to sleep now.