[center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LjRiNjA2Mi5SV3hwYW1Gb0lGUnlhVzVwZEhrLC4y/xirod.regular.png[/img] [img]http://static.wixstatic.com/media/9cf830_6cd308d4e222482296445b865bba8c67.jpg/v1/fill/w_360,h_532,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/9cf830_6cd308d4e222482296445b865bba8c67.jpg[/img] [u][b]Location:[/b][/u] Apartment 2C - Beverly Hills High [u][b]Interaction With:[/b][/u] No one [u][b]Time:[/b][/u] 6:00 A.M. [/center] [hr] The apartment was completely silent that morning. Usually around this time of morning at least someone was up early, or perhaps still up from last night. Elijah's next door neighbors had a tendency to party pretty hard on the weekend. Thankfully this morning was in an oddly peacefully standstill. Without an alarm, Elijah sat straight up in his bed exactly at 6:00. Same time, everyday. He liked his things in order. It gave some sense of structure to his life, when it really had none. Rubbing his sleep deprived eyes Elijah quickly stepped into the shower for about two minutes before the water went cold. Jumping out before he started shaking from the cold, Elijah through on the nearest pair of jeans from the pile of clothes stacked by his bed and walked over to his computer. He only meant to grab his hoodie before leaving for school, but the draw to check what had happened in the few hours he had actually shut his eyes was too strong. Social media was already blowing up about the first day of school. Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, even Facebook. Who still used Facebook anymore? Shaking his head he flipped windows on the bright LED screen and opened up a list of files. Collections of people he'd hacked. Anything he might need to know about most people he knew was in here. People of importance, bad people, people he went to school with, and even the odd occasional friend. Everyone. It really was a bad habit, hacking [i]everyone[/i], he just didn't trust them. You seriously wouldn't believe the type of things you found out about a person after hacking them. Sometimes it really got to him, the badness in people. But... not right now. Now was a time for school, not that he couldn't have graduated when he was like twelve. Sarah wanted him to interact with people more. Make some friends, try to rely on people for once. But Sarah didn't really know what she was talking about, she was fairly new to being a therapist. Not that she would have bothered to tell him he was her first patient, but there he was again. Always hacking people. Despite all of Sarah's flaws, she did occasionally make him feel a bit better about himself. Maybe it was hearing her talk, her voice was soothing. It was kind of soft and velvety, he really never knew exactly how to describe it just right. His specialty was never words. Sometimes he would never say a word during their sessions. [i]And [/i]there he went again, rattling off on a strangely unrelated topic. Elijah was trying to talk about how he rejoined high school because secretly he did hope Sarah was right. Maybe she was right about the ADD, through he didn't really fit the mark on the hyperactive section. Shaking his head to try and clear all the thoughts, Elijah shut off the computer and grabbed his laptop before running out the door. Yanking the hoodie down low over his face, he began the long trek to high school. It would have been a lot easier to grab a cab, or a bus ride over, but the fresh air helped to clear his thoughts. By the time he made it to school other kids were starting to arrive. Seeing all their faces, that he was fine with. What started to make him panic was the secrets behind those faces. Grabbing his head to try and stop his anxiety, fully knowing the action would do nothing to help, he moved himself to a wall away from everyone and opened up his laptop. [hr][hr] [center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi4wZGRhZGUuUVhSc1lXNTBhWE1nVTNSeVlXNW4uMAAA/disturbo.regular.png[/img] [img]http://pluslifestyles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Jogging-or-Running.jpg[/img] [u][b]Location:[/b][/u] Strang House - The Ocean - Track - Beverly Hills High School [u][b]Interaction With:[/b][/u] Everyone and anyone - Dominique - [@HushedWhispers] [u][b]Time:[/b][/u] 5:00 A.M. [/center] [hr] Groggily opening her eyes, Tis glanced out of the grungy window in the shack. God it was early. Was the sun even up yet? Stretching, she attempted to pop her back in the hammock she hung in. Not a very easy task let me tell you. An even harder task? Getting out. With a loud thump of the floorboard bracing against her impact, Tis landed with a groan. Out of the corner of her eye she caught her dad start with the sudden noise. [color=#0ddade]"Dude chill, no barney kook 'ere"[/color] All her dad did was roll his eyes and turn over in his bed. Why the hell did he get the bed, she questioned, before reminding herself of the little bet she had with him. The one where she swore up and down she could pull off the awesome kickflip. The one where she ended up mullering on the sand with a cracked board. Grumbling to herself as she walked out the door, Tis headed to the old jeep in their yard and tried to start the ignition. After a few tries the old girl finally started up. Checking that the rear view mirror was blocked by her board, Tis sped out of there towards the ocean. She had hours to kill. The ocean was the perfect place to do it. Going nearly 95 down the roads, she ended up a small beach, covered in beautiful white sand and completely deserted. It might have been early, but with a beach like this even at this time in the morning some blown out bennys would have been there had they known about it. The beach was in a small depression between some densely covered cliffs. Tis had discovered it one day while was adventuring, meaning she was lost, and it became her little secret place. A place that she could call her own. Splashing into the water as quickly as she could, Tis didn't even bother to put on the wet suit that she left in the back of the trunk. Why bother, she was used to the cold. Besides it might actually wake her up. Two hours later Tis lay in the shallows of the beach staring up at the gradually lightening sky with a goofy smile on her face. This is what really made her happy. Pushing up onto her elbows she figured she should start heading towards school. Her dad would be pretty pissed if she didn't make it to school on the first day because of some nice waves. [i]Again[/i]. Tossing the board in the back of the truck, she decided to get a nice run to school. It was a fairly warm morning and despite her two hour workout, she was pumped. Pulling on a pair of short blue shorts and her shoes she took off. In the wind the swim suit she was wearing dried fairly quickly. She supposed the teachers would probably throw a fit about her attire at school, but those Frubes could fuck off for all she cared. Arriving at school late, she could see that the seniors and juniors were already finished with their assembly. The same one that happened every year that said the same boring old black and white thing. Blah blah be nice blah blah no bullying blah blah wear shirts. [i]Oops[/i]. Shrugging she walked over to the booths set up around the school for extracurricular activities. Most were pretty boring. Chess club, nerds. Cooking club, not unless they wanted a pro taste tester. Skateboard club, otherwise fake land surfing. Bunch of pussies. Glancing to her left she saw the 'Queen' Bee hanging in front of the dance booth. Of course she would be found there. Rolling her eyes, Tis bounced along, dodging around people. Perhaps running into a few. Bubbling up to Dominique, Tis took one glance at her before standing next to her mimicking her pose. Arms crossed over her swimsuit, she tried to put on her best stern face. Sticking out a hand she wagged a finger at a few of her 'subjects.' Unable to keep up the act any longer, Tis burst out laughing to the point of tears. Throwing her arm around Dominique's shoulders she leaned on her like they were best friends. [color=#0ddade]"Bro... dude.... Dom..."[/color] she gasped out between fits of laughter, [color=#0ddade]"Dopplegained you new school, foamie."[/color]