[color=blue][b]~Asher~[/b][/color] With Gabe’s aura leading the way Ash was able to easily make his way through the halls, making a mental map of what the place was like, a tactic he was used to after all these years. Counting his steps to relate them to length he almost scoffed aloud when Gabe stated what he “was in here for”. [i] Yeah and if you knew the real reason you were in here you would have a conniption. Bipolar disorder? Oh, I’m SO sure.[/i] It was hard not to make the comment out loud. Now was not the time. Instead he responded in a more vague way hoping to allow doubt, [color=blue] “Bipolar disorder? Is that what they say? I wouldn’t have figure it at all. You’re one of the chilliest people I’ve met. As to what I have?”[/color] shaking her head to one side to help adjust his hair his voice lowered gaining an almost dangerous tone, [color=blue] “They [i]say[/i] it’s skitzo….but me I see the dead. And it’s [i]not[/i] a mental condition.”[/color] By the time he finished this comment the two were now in the cafeteria and Ash was able to gather Gabe must have picked up a tray. Grabbing once himself he questioned how he would figure out which food was which when he noticed a spirit he recognized in the corner. It was from a boy a little younger than him who died in a freak experiment; his name was Maz. “Trust me you aren’t going to want any of that breakfast casserole. That is so long as you prefer not having food poisioning.” Greeting the guy he smirked and sarcastically noted, [color=blue] “Oh you couldn’t help me find my way around, but you can give me advice on food.”[/color] With that Maz laughed and told him which food bin held what and Ash ended up with a plate full of his favorite foods. Moments later Maz disappeared. It wasn’t long before Ash felt a chill run down his spine as he notice a very malicious aura in his peripheral. He clinched his jaw and as his head fell downwards, blank eyes at the floor. He both hissed and cursed the name in his mind, [i] Saria[/i]. She was watching him just to mess with him. No doubt another one of her sick and twisted games. He was not about to let her be indulged in it, choosing rather to ignore her. He made his way to the table instead, close behind his roommate and quickly took a seat, doing his best to look inconspicuous as possible. No need for her to know he was skipping his medications. Soren was both an odd name but one easy enough to remember. After sitting he nodded into the direction of the new person, memorizing the strange aura. [color=blue] “Hey, the name’s Asher. You can call me Ash. It doesn’t really matter to me.”[/color] [@duskshine749][@Mega Birb]