[center][h1][b]OC Characters[/b][/h1][/center] [hider=Puppetmaster][center][h1][color=palegoldenrod]PUPPETMASTER[/color][/h1][/center] [center][hider][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/UAEPYU8.jpg[/IMG][/hider][/center] [center][h1][color=palegoldenrod]Personal[/color][/h1][/center] [color=palegoldenrod][u]Code Name:[/u][/color] Puppetmaster [color=palegoldenrod][u]Real Name:[/u][/color] Marcus Miles [color=palegoldenrod][u]Age:[/u][/color] 19 [color=palegoldenrod][u]Race:[/u][/color] Human [color=palegoldenrod][u]Nationality:[/u][/color] America (fuck yeah) [color=palegoldenrod][u]Personality:[/u][/color] Shy and reserved, Marcus is the kind of guy you usually won't find throwing himself into social situations. He's friendly enough when approached but makes little to no effort to go out of his way to talk to people except on extremely rare occasions. He seems to spend most of his time alone and claims he works best on his own, which is reflected in his choices in videogames (single-player focus over competitive multiplayer). Whether he really dislikes being around people or is just too shy to intitiate is really up for debate. He joined Overwatch out of a desire to conquer this fear and be a part of something bigger, of a team. Being a designer of robots, Marcus isn't necessarily prejudiced against Omnics like some people *coughTorbjorncough* but he has a difficult time thinking of them as human and dissociating them from the mindless machines he creates and works with. He has a massive crush on Night Rose. [color=palegoldenrod][u]Affiliations:[/u][/color] United States Armed Forces Overwatch [color=palegoldenrod][u]Brief History:[/u][/color] Recruited out of college at MIT for his skills in robotics, Marcus was asked by the US military to help create and design a more foolproof next generation of autonomous machines, ones that wouldn't display the problems evident with the Omnics (namely that pesky free will). Becoming a pilot and designer of drones, Marcus spent most of his time inbetween school, work, and playing videogames for quite a while before he heard the news floating down from his bosses. Overwatch had been recalled. Like many children growing up after the Omnic Crisis, Marcus idolized the group, and decided to join if he could (even if it was illegal at the time). He was accepted into the organization quickly, dealing mostly with (you guessed it) Omnic-related affairs. It's only recently he's requested to become a field agent. I wonder why? [color=palegoldenrod][u]Combat Role:[/u][/color] Support [color=palegoldenrod][u]Sub-class:[/u][/color] Builder [center][hider][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/868d5cf46cf92d22c2ccf81518cb9941/tumblr_nmc4fxgfQD1uotxfpo1_1280.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [center][h1][color=palegoldenrod]Combat[/color][/h1][/center] [color=palegoldenrod][u]Abilities:[/u][/color][list] [*]Call Drone: Marcus calls a new drone to bolster his forces or replace one that's been destroyed. Each drone destroyed has a 3 second cooldown. He can have up to 6 drones deployed. [*]Manual Piloting: Marcus takes a seat and devotes his full attention to manually piloting his drones on his holotop. This leaves him vulnerable and immobile but gives him a range of about 500m and allows him to maneuver multiple drones independently to perform separate tasks. [*]Take Point: Marcus orders one of his drones to either defend or deliver a small supply drop of armor and shields to a teammate, causing it to leave his company and be assigned to someone else.[/list] [color=palegoldenrod][u]Primary Fire:[/u][/color] Automatic Smart-Fire [color=palegoldenrod][u]Secondary Fire:[/u][/color] Lock-On [color=palegoldenrod][u]Passive:[/u][/color] Toggle Offense/Defense [color=palegoldenrod][u]Ultimate:[/u][/color] murder.exe: Detonates all active drones. Drones do weak to medium damage individually, but 3 or more can demolish a tank and all 6 can clear a capture point. [color=palegoldenrod][u]Strengths:[/u][/color] Long distance engagements, supporting the team from behind the frontline [color=palegoldenrod][u]Weaknesses:[/u][/color] Direct confrontation (low health and minimal shielding makes him about as squishy as Zenyatta)[/hider] [hr] [hr] [center][h1][b]Canon Characters[/b][/h1][/center] [hider=Reinhardt WIP][center][h1]REINHARDT[/h1] [hider][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/cx16a3Y.jpg[/IMG] [i]"Woohoo! New high score!"[/i] [i]"Ughh.. Scheiße! This is killing my shoulders!"[/i][/hider] [h1]Personal[/h1][/center] [u]Code Name:[/u] Reinhardt [u]Real Name:[/u] Reinhardt Wilhelm [u]Age:[/u] 61 [u]Race:[/u] Human [u]Nationality:[/u] German [u]Personality:[/u] Reinhardt Wilhelm styles himself as a champion of a bygone age, who lives by the knightly codes of valor, justice, and courage. Possessing a boisterous personality and an "active imagination," he enjoys eating currywurst, and is a fan of David Hasselhoff's music. He loves children, including the younger team members like D.va and Lucio, and is always the heart of any group he's a part of, providing moral support and a pillar of rock-hard solidarity and muscle. Secretly crushes on Ana and is a closet D.va fanboy. [u]Affiliations:[/u] Overwatch [u]Brief History:[/u] Over thirty years ago, Overwatch was founded to counter the threat of the robot uprisings around the world. Reinhardt, a highly decorated German soldier, was inducted as part of the original Overwatch strike team that put an end to the Omnic Crisis. After the conflict's resolution, Overwatch grew into a global institution, keeping the peace in a war-torn world. Reinhardt proved himself to be one of its most stalwart champions. Reinhardt's unique ethics and larger-than-life persona earned the admiration of his peers and superiors alike. Never afraid to speak his mind, he was Overwatch's most vocal supporter and, when necessary, its harshest critic, providing a constant reminder that Overwatch was meant to be a force for good. He got on well with Torbjörn(who maintained his armor). At some point he was stationed at Watchpoint: Gibraltar, where he got a tan. Having served into his late fifties, Reinhardt was faced with mandatory retirement from combat operations. Despondent about being removed from active duty, Reinhardt feared that his days of purpose and glory had ended. As times grew darker and Overwatch came under suspicion of corruption and sedition, Reinhardt could only watch as the cause he had dedicated his life to defending surrendered in disgrace. One year prior to its disbandanment, Overwatch's Swiss headquarters was destroyed, apparently killing Jack Morrison in the blast. Reinhardt spoke fondly of his former commander at his memorial service. When the recall was announced nearly six years later, Reinhardt was located in southwestern Greenland, and immediately rushed back to join his comrades and old friends once again at the Watchpoint. [u]Combat Role:[/u] Tank [u]Sub-class:[/u] Defensive Tank [center][h1]Combat[/h1][/center] [u]Abilities:[/u] Charge: Reinhardt charges forth in a straight line, grabbing hold of enemies in his path. If he collides with a wall, foes he’s carrying suffer extreme damage. Firestrike: By whipping his Rocket Hammer forward, Reinhardt slings a flaming projectile which pierces and damages any enemies it touches. [u]Primary Fire:[/u] Rocket Hammer [u]Secondary Fire:[/u] Barrier Field [u]Passive:[/u] Flex [u]Ultimate:[/u] Earthshatter: Reinhardt forcefully slams his rocket hammer into the ground, knocking down and damaging all enemies in front of him. [u]Strengths:[/u] 1v1 fights, making pushes, guarding teammates/objectives with his mighty shield, smashing the absolute shit out of anything stupid enough to get in range of his Rocket Hammer [u]Weaknesses:[/u] Beam weapons, melee weapons, old age, the Hoff[/hider]