"[b]Sorry, I am late. I had business to attend to. Now, we have a good long march south along the I-75. I hope you all are ready. We will spend a night under the stars and if all goes well we reach the place that is to be our outpost by noon tomorrow.[/b]" their employer said. Carver didn't blame her. He'd have slept in as well if he could. That was one of the few upsides to this crazy world he unfroze to. No real responsibilities other than surviving. Unfortunately this time, surviving meant getting up at the crack of dawn. He did it however. Chek was right beside him, never seeming to get tired like always. Carver turned to his two fellows on this expedition, Lewellyn and the eloquent Super Mutant Joshua. They were bantering like always. It did him well to hear the geezer start spewing forth what must have been nonsense to everyone else. Well, it was half nonsense to him as well, but he recalled the names somewhat. Carver smiled to himself from the vague recollections his words brought forth. He'd take any nostalgia he could. He unholstered his revolver and spun it expertly, clockwise, counter clockwise, sideways, clockwise, and then halted it mid spin to pull back and then release the hammer to its original position. "We ready to head on, or we got something to do here?"