[center][h1][color=bc8dbf]Ofnir[/color][/h1][/center] [color=f26522]"How can I help?"[/color] , Calariel said. [color=0072bc]"Head out, somewhere high, and see with your elf eyes if the path is clear; there shouldn't be more of these creatures lurking,”[/color] Ofnir told her. [color=0072bc]”Their master will be weary, for he is far away, and his spell is tiring. There is more, much more to come up north, I am afraid... Much darker, too.”[/color] With a gentle pat on Calariel's shoulder, Ofnir went back into his room and took his satchel, sword, and a small pouch of black leather, the only belongings he had, and was out past the burning corpses shortly. With a quick glance he noted that his sword was not glowing.[color=39b54a][i] No enemies nearby, at least. We should have enough time to head woodward.[/i][/color] On his way down he saw the felon dead as well and burning already.[color=39b54a] [i]Well done, Ellaryn[/i]![/color] he thought. The smoke was gathering near the ceiling and dripping down ever slowly as the wood caught fire. [color=0072bc]”The stables!”[/color] he said, thinking of all the hay that might burn and cause a havoc in the entire village. He rushed out through the door and shouted as if through a magical word filter for all to hear clearly: [color=0072bc]”Wake the villagers! We have to stop the fire from spreading!”[/color] But he soon saw that a couple of them had already gone out with bucket in their hands, a pair of unfortunate souls who fortunately could not sleep well that night and were quick to react to the redness in the night. They immediately knew what to do. And so, as he stood in the middle of the street, a subtle milky light came from his staff, and as if the moonlight had lent them a chunk of her pale lustre, an silvery phosphorescence was upon the night, warding off the retreating sense of dread. Ofnir untied the black pouch, revealing inside a set of ivory rings, smooth and fashioned in the simplest of designs, all warm on his palm.