[hider=Prince Rowan] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PsyGuHy.png[/img] [i]I can see Him. I can see Him, I can see Him, almost, I can [b]almost[/b] see him, hiding in the corners of the corners, just beyond the peripheral. I can hear Him, his voice, scratching, tickling, whispering, but not a whisper, no longer a whisper, now a yell, a plea, a scream, I can hear it in the back of my head. It sounds unpleasant but... but it's not. My God, it's not. It's the opposite. It's joy and bliss, the light of one thousand suns filling my mind's eye, the promise of ecstasy, pleasure, but above all, above it all an eternal peace. His voice, radiating in my head, filling it with his light, he speaks to me. My God, he speaks to me. He tells me things... he tells me His will, His word, He tells me I am his prophet and he is my God. I'll make them see. I'll show them all, the heathens, the heretics, they've turned away from His light to worship their false Gods and their false kings but by my God they will see. Oh, they will see. I didn't always see his light. No, even I, as devout as I am, I didn't always understand. I was born to a vain father and a vain mother in a vain kingdom that only had the trappings of His light, the promise of it, but it was hollow and empty. It was a godless kingdom that was destined to be mine. That's right, I was royalty once. Still am, I suppose. Oh, they loved me. Oh, how they loved me. On the day of my birthday the plebeians cried my name, declaring that I would be the king to make everything change, to solve their problems, to bring them peace, the one foretold by some wrinkly false prophet to unite their lands. Oh, I brought them their change. I can still remember the first time I felt His light. The first time I looked to the sky, saw the sun and the clouds, felt the warmth of His light on my face and I knew, I [b]knew[/b] that I would be the one to tell them His word. I could hear him, it was only a whisper then, a hint of a trace of an inkling. In time it became clearer, and clearer, until I knew what I had to do. They were Godless mean, they couldn't understand Him, their vanity blinded them, raised a shroud between them and His light. I shed their royal blood with my own hand. Oh, yes I did, that was His will... His voice, His command. Throw the kingdom into chaos. Oh, I did, the wars are still going. I left their heathen lands, left them to the grave they had dug for themselves, the bloodshed they had deserved. They [b]had[/b] deserved all that came to them, I can assure you. The truth is their kingdom, my kingdom, all the others were the same. Decadence, opulence to an extreme degree, they could not be shown His light. They were blind to it, could not comprehend it like infants, babes suckling at the shadow of nothing. I needed to go somewhere else. Somewhere simpler, newer, cleaner, fresher, a place I can still change. Winding. Winding, that's the word that keeps coming to me. Oh, they must be the ones that will see the glory of Skinith.[/i] [hr] [i]People have always found me attractive. I'm not really sure why, to be honest. I've never really find myself, or for that matter anyone else, particularly attractive. But people have always liked me, gravitated towards me. I guess it's that whole royal blood, perfect genes thing. That's what I think at least. I'll try to relate my physical appearance to you as best I can. I'm twenty-three years old, for the sake of context. I stand at about 5 foot 8 inches, I weigh somewhere around 140 pounds by my estimate. I am fair of skin, my face hard, cut, angular, I suppose a face that would be traditionally defined as handsome. I have a scar across the bridge of my nose, a small one in a prominent position. My eyes are green, a deep green, green of the forest's leaves. If there is one quality about me I like it is my eyes. Deep and piercing, a deep gaze would make the prettiest, most pretentious ladies at court swoon. Although that was likely partly due to me being the prince of the realm, and of course that isn't the reason I like them. They merely please me. The shadow of a stubble has begun to appear on my face, and I don't particularly care to shave it. My hair is black, beginning to grow long, waving and flowing to my shoulders. It's been a while since I've seen a barber. And yes, I'm a Human. Winding is a diverse place, certainly, but I'm sure I'll be able to fit in there.[/i] [/center] [/hider]