[quote=@DeadBeatWalking] Where does the semi-justified reason come in? It just seems like your guy kills or blinds anyone who looks at the moon because he's crazy, which sounds like something a human village would band together against considering elves being equivalent to goblins in this setting. Also [@Jbcool], would there be elf-orcs, or is that too much of a genetic leap for non-stillborn offspring? [color=00a651]It would be hated/feared more than your usual Elf, if not killed at birth, but I'll allow it.[/color] I decided that since we're basically RPing as more chaotic evil versions of the elves from Elfquest, I'm gonna have a character in a threemateship, but I haven't decided on two wives or a wife and a husband. Where do the elves fall on the acceptance scale for things of that sort? [color=00a651]See above for refute of the first, but I'd happily allow a threemateship if you like. Got no problem there.[/color] Last question! The elves live in remote places like swamps, forests, and caves -- Do they have the tech and resources to make metal and fabric, or do they use stone weapons and wear furs? [color=00a651]That is entirely up to the writer of the character, each Elven 'people' living within their own realms beyond the veil - essentially the 'curtain' through which man cannot peer, but on the other side where most mythical creatures dwell. Think of mediums and the veil between the living and dead. So, if you wished to have an Elf that lives in the mountains and uses the ore there to make metal, or one who lives in the woods and weaves his clothing from gossamer, then that's all good. If you'd like one that wields a stone club and wears animal pelts...that's fine too.[/color][/quote] [quote=@Eyeruption] [@DeadBeatWalking] >elves being equivalent to goblins in this setting Aren't elves more like twisted gaelic Fair Folk in this setting? [color=00a651]This is correct, but not simply Gaelic, cast your net to a wider European range - redcaps, [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinzelm%C3%A4nnchen]Heinzelmännchen[/url], or indeed many others. They dwell (for the most part) alongside such creatures as the Kelpie, Selkie and Faun in a place where time has no meaning.[/color] >Where does the semi-justified reason come in? The world's still magical and full of superstition, duh. I bet there are many gods, occasional miracles and other wondrous and horrible happenings, not to speak of actual sorcery and wizardry. Guy might harness actual power of Luna through some evil rituals and bathing in virgin blood, even. [color=00a651]There [b]are[/b] miracles and the like, just as there are in our own world, but [b]actual[/b] magic as seen in most High Fantasy is pretty rare indeed. That being said, I do agree that just going about blinding/killing anyone looking at the moon is a wee bit [i]too[/i] crazy. To most humans though, the moon is just the moon.[/color][/quote] [@AlysCole][@XSilentWingsX][@Southern Sun][@POOHEAD189] Righto, to any and all interested parties, I'll have an OOC up sometime tomorrow. Until then, I advise you to read this thread, and if you have any questions/ideas then lets hear them. Thank you.