Isabeau scanned the downstairs of the tavern one last time before making her way up to the empty room. She rested a hand on her belly, as if to comfort the turning of an upset child. The food was subpar, however she wasn't going to complain, it filled her up, and the spirits she shoveled down along with it made up for the taste. Her eyes hadn't caught anyone suspicious looking, at least, not more suspicious than their lot had been. There was one fellow she had spotted earlier, but she didn't see him. Unfortunately, while it may not have dulled her senses, being liquored up had glossed over her suspicions, allowing her to throw caution to the wind just this once. The bunch ate and drank, and by the end of it all, whether it was restful or not, they were able to to sleep. In nice, comfortable beds, with warm food to fill their bellies, sheltered from the harsh elements which plagued the streets of this poor little town. There weren't many other bumps in the night, no one else crashing through the doors or scaring the bajeezus out of the barkeep and his patrons, which was a relief for Jarkson. When all was quiet, he actually gave thanks for their arrival, for the coin donated that evening would be enough to keep them going for a while longer. To the point that when a friend came down to question the happenings of that evening, he merely replied with "They be good enough people for me, and as long as they don' question the food, or trash the place again, they are welcome back any time. You might want to go with em, though. I dunno what they be up to, or what they up against, but that beast lady was pretty mean looking, pretty serious as well. I'd wager where ever it is they're going, they'll need what help they can get." The rest of the evening had been pretty quiet. And as the sun rose above the hole in the wall tavern, hope crept in through the window panes, and soothed what it could of the hearts that beat within. Isabeau was up quite early, and already downstairs. Sat snug as a bug, reading at one of the tables, her legs crossed at the ankles, her feet resting on the chair beside her.