[h2][center][color=salmon]~ Seichirō Roga[/color][/center][/h2] Wrapping jobs don't take an in-depth knowledge of rocket science. You grab a strip of thin cloth and twirl it around whatever you are trying to wrap, and voila! It practically does itself. Seichirō, however, was treating a mundane task such as that with the concentration and determination only required for B-Rank missions. To his defense, he didn't have anything better to do and the act of covering Yin's handle with bandages wasn't as time consuming - what made the time fly by was his seemingly never ending dissatisfaction with his work. Suddenly, he heard someone calling out his name, a female voice. [color=salmon]"Yep, that's me!"[/color], the young Roga responded in a faux enthusiastic manner, his sight set on Yin's handle. The fact that he was prioritizing a senseless task over his summoning, which most likely had some pretty important implications to it, was a testament to his "unwavering" loyalty to the cause. "After the rain, comes the rainbow." was one of the unofficial propaganda banners that Jiyutai supporters enjoyed tossing around like they're in the world's most convoluted game of hot potato, which to Seichirō was a sugar-coated way of saying "Let's fuck shit up and hope that what's left is of convenience to us." Some might call it cynicism, but he likes to call it a bullshit radar. It took Seichirō a while to realize that no words had been uttered since he responded to the girl's calling. Slightly dumbfounded, he uncrossed his legs and turned his head around. That's when he saw that the summoner was not A girl; it was the sister of the Jiyutai's leader. It was then that she decided to talk, letting him know he was needed in Room 8B. Seichirō nodded affirmatively, prompting the girl to vanish from his line of sight. He accelerated Yin's wrapping process before sheathing it in his back along with it's trusted comrade, Yang. Like the other unfortunate ones, Seichirō also did not resort to small talk while on his way to the meeting room. There was a very real chance that he'd be pitted against them at some point, which was his main reason as to why he was trying to avoid making more bonds. He had his fingers crossed, for if the upcoming task put them in a scenario where interactions were unavoidable, then he'd be, as he himself once eloquently put, "fucked". Not even his steely gaze can enforce the defense systems surrounding his kind heart. Like the older woman, Seichirō also opted to not take the chair, choosing to remain in a standing position. It was not an act of rebellion. It's just that his feet were sore because of having them crossed for too long. He had a brief but ominous staring contest with the 6 foot tall freak of nature. From what he could deduce, the weird-looking shinobi was sizing him up. And then came Senihime. All the Jiyutai supporters and those participating in it found her to be an amazing leader. There were songs sung regarding her unmatched charisma, a charisma that Seichirō attributes to her huge rack. It had to be addressed at some point. Not to say that the young Roga had fallen prey to her good looks; dude had a perverted jutsu on his portofolio which he'd spent a good portion of summer practicing. He liked to believed he was already immune. However, even with his innate ability to drain the value from everything, he would admit time and time again that her fighting skills were unmatched. Contrary to popular belief, she was also a pretty decent person, so that was a bonus. Seichirō's sight moved all over the room at a consistent pace, watching over everyone who was making their introductions. The guy with the horns was from the Ryuuga clan, a name familiar to Seichirō. They were supposed to be very troublesome clan in Kumogakure, but like the Roga, very underrated and severely oppressed. The older woman turned out to be a Jonin, from Konohagakure even. Judging from her quick response, it was clear that she didn't enjoy being there any more than the junior Roga did. Seichirō's attention span got severed when the tiny framed girl and the pop idol began their rambling, even though he did catch the part when they disclosed their names and birthplace. Upon seeing that no one else was going to introduce himself, Seichirō cleared his throat before calmly uttering [color=salmon]"Roga, Seichirō. Konohagakure."[/color], following on the example set by the former-Jonin commander of Konoha. He fixed his gaze on Senihime (Senihime's FACE, mind you) as the words slipped his mouth, in an effort to conceal his genuine concern over the faction's doings. He had a gut feeling the following month was gonna be a series of bumpy, potentially life-threatening rides.