[hider=Elouviana Zashira] [h1][b][i][color=hotpink][center]Elouviana Zashira[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]http://static.cdn.ea.com/battlelog/prod/emblems/320/858/2832655391683681858.jpeg?v=1343920678.24[/img] [b][color=hotpink]"I am not a dam cat!"[/color][/b][/center] [h3][b][i][color=hotpink][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=hotpink]Name:[/color][/b]Elouviana Zashira [b][color=hotpink]Aliases:[/color][/b] Elou, Kitty, Murder-Kitty. [b][color=hotpink]Age:[/color][/b] 21 [b][color=hotpink]Birthday:[/color][/b] oct 13 [b][color=hotpink]Ethnicity:[/color][/b] Japanese [b][color=hotpink]Birth Place:[/color][/b]Tokyo, Japan [b][color=hotpink]Hometown[/color][/b] Nara, Japan [b][color=hotpink]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=hotpink]Highest Level of Education:[/color][/b] High school [b][color=hotpink]Occupation:[/color][/b] Self-employed outfit designer. (Primarily cosplay) [b][color=hotpink]Languages:[/color][/b] Japanese. Fractured English. [b][color=hotpink]Beta-Tester?:[/color][/b] N [h3][b][i][color=hotpink][center]Appearance[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=hotpink]Height:[/color][/b] 6'1 [b][color=hotpink]Weight:[/color][/b] 160 lb [b][color=hotpink]Body Type:[/color][/b]lighly muscled [b][color=hotpink]Eye Color:[/color][/b] Heterochromia, blue/green [b][color=hotpink]Hair Color and Style:[/color][/b] Blonde, short and rather messy. [b][color=hotpink]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] Pale [b][color=hotpink]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] Tongue stud [b][color=hotpink]Personal Style:[/color][/b] Whatever is on the floor from the last night. [h3][b][i][color=hotpink][center]Psychology[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=hotpink][center]Tangible Positivity * Overbearing * Open-minded * Agressive[/center][/color][/i] [b][color=hotpink]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Undecided (Still virgin) [b][color=hotpink]Relationship Status:[/color][/b]Single [b][color=hotpink]Personality:[/color][/b] Elouviana is of a unique mindset, and this got her into a lot of trouble with her peers and the adults around her. When she was a child, she agressively sort out friends, as to her, that was the best way to go about it. Strike first, and claim victory. It didn't work out, and she was difficult to understand, and so simply passed off as being wierd. There is always an underlying reason behind Elou's actions, but it is usually only percieveable to her. In the more recent years, she has managed to get somewhat of a handle on herself to deal with the customers that she gets, but even they know her as an eccentric and slightly overbearing person who is intensely passionate about her work, which is the main reason she even has any work to begin with. [b][color=hotpink]Habits:[/color][/b] Nail-biting. Staring. Giving commentary about a person's outfit. [b][color=hotpink]Hobbies:[/color][/b] Dress-making, reading Manga, watching Anime, cosplaying. [b][color=hotpink]Fears:[/color][/b] [list][*]Being ignored/left alone [*] Seeing her friends get killed by the game [*]nobody buying her dresses [/list] [b][color=hotpink]Likes:[/color][/b] [list][*] [*]Making clothes [*]Wearing home-made clothes [*]Being complimented on her clothes [*]Cosplaying in home-made clothes [*]Friends![/list] [b][color=hotpink]Dislikes:[/color][/b] [list][*]Pricking her thumb with a needle [*] Being mocked about her clothes [*]Being shot [*]Not having the right fabric [*]Vague orders that require clayvonace to understand [*]Tall, skinny people[/list] [h3][b][i][color=hotpink][center]Cards on the Table[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=hotpink]Mental Skills:[/color][/b] No more than six, be specific, and keep it realistic! For example, driving and cooking are both considered skills [list] [*]Sturdy mentality [*]Can break through the most stubborn of icy hearts, with an emotional Flamethrower of love! [*]Knowledge of sale-tactics [*] [*] [/list] [b][color=hotpink]Physical Skills:[/color][/b] No more than four, and be specific! [list] [*]Resistant to pain [*]Physically robust [*]Great at making interesting and intricate clothing designs [*] [*] [/list] [b][color=hotpink]Inventory:[/color][/b] This will need to be updated throughout the RP [list] [*]Sword #45 - The Basic [*]Basic Armour - female - red trim, deep purple chestplate [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [h3][b][color=hotpink][center][i]History[/i][/center][/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=hotpink]Why are you playing SwordArt Online?[/color][/b] Elou was told about the game from one of her Customer/Finacial Backer/Best Friend, when he barged into her house with two Nerve-Gear and two copies of the game. He was a kindred spirit to Elou due to his asertive nature and lack of understanding in the arts of discretion and subtlety. Elou was subsequently - and quite literally - dragged onto the VRMMO because he wanted a friend to go into the game with, so he could get a better start in the game and so he had someone by his side so it wasn't quite so lonely. [b][color=hotpink]Life Prior to Playing SwordArt:[/color][/b] Elouviana Zashira - actually just a pet name she gave herself after getting into the dress-making business to make herself sound more exotic, her birth name being Fushaka Shinmizu - had trouble from the getgo. As soon as she came out of her mother, those double-coloured eyes made her superstitious father on edge, and dispite his wife trying to calm him down, it persisted through the years, and even grew stronger as her unique mindset came into the forefront. She was a friendly girl with everyone, but didn't exactly know tact or how to limit her emotion, so gave everyone a very raring form of friendship, even people she didn't know. Rather than gain a lot of friends, this emotion pushed them away, being to overbearing for them to cope for any length of time. School was a subsequent nightmare, as nobody wanted to be her friend, and the less civilized of the girls started fights with her. This led Fushaka to have a childhood spent mostly covered in bruises, and in the offices of various teachers. To keep up with the girls, and to stand as a victor in the fights they started, Fushaka took to keeping herself fit and healthy, going on daily jobs and always helping to carry anything that needed carrying. One day, her jogging took her past an anime convention, and curiousity pulled her in to see what was going on, never having really paid attention to the whole scene before now. It was there, with the hundreds of glorious outfits, and uniforms, dresses and costumes, that she gained interest in the anime world, and started a desire to make what they all wore. Her mother was skilled at making clothes, having a small house-bound business when she was younger, and so that was where she went to with her new-found drive. Her mother was happy to be able to interact with her daughter on an intimate level such as this, and taught her everything she needed to know between school. Fushaka's schudule filled up rapidly, with her jogging, and the occasional gym visit as she got older, as well as the dress making with her mother, and the reading of manga, and occasional anime show on the tv. With such a busy life, she put much less effort into what she percieved less important, School Life. It was merely a conglomeration of people that didn't like her, and useless subjects. Her grades slipped and fell due to this, and she graduated high school with a low level on everything. Her father deemed this the 'last straw' and kicked her out of the house entirely, to the lamant of her weeping mother. Instead of trying to reconcile, she took some money her mother had secretly offered her, and left for good, heading for Nara. Once she had arrived, she got herself a small apartment, and set about advertising her skills, to hopefully get some customers. At first, only a few people arrived, looking for her to fix old clothes rather than take it to a professional who would charge exobiant amounts, or replace it, due to it's sentimental value. The work was scattered and low-paying, so for the first few weeks of life, Fushaka lived poorly, but never gave up on her fitness routine. Then, a man appeared in her apparetment, with her advertisement in his hand. He was as tall as she was, but far less filled out, and with hair down to his back, very well maintained, and dyed a deep red. It irked Fushaka slightly, as her hair had never really grown that well, and was a raggy mess since she had been cutting it herself. It became clear that the man could not speak Japanese very well, and always trailed off to swear to himself in another language. He eventually got through to Fushaka however, with great effort and a lot of charades. It was the largest commision Fushaka had ever recieved, being an full-length Victorian butler outfit, only mostly in red. She recognised it as the outfit of Grell Suttercliffe from Black Butler, but didn't bring it up, she was a nerd herself. It took her a week to finish the outfit, and her customer came by every day, with tea, or food, and mostly just watched her work. He was a strange man, even though he could barely speak the language, and she had only just met him, there was something about him that made him likeable. He reminded her of her younger self, only much more successful in the art of getting people to like him. After she had finished the outfit, he vanished for a few days, and then returned, speaking slightly better than before, and singing her praises for how well she had managed it. It had been very awkward, since his height coupled with the slender build made making it fit a nightmare. But she had done it, and he paid a substantually larger sum than she had asked for. Over the months that followed, she made him many different outfits, and each one was paid for much more than she had asked, as if he was trying to get her onto her feet by buying a lot of stuff at more than she thought it was worth. His grasp of Japanese also improved at quite the rate, able to hold a proper conversation less than a month after they had met. He became a more common sight around her house, hanging out even when she wasn't working on anything. One day, after she was talking about her parents, he said her name was not magnificent enough for such a great seemstress, and so instead suggested a much grander one. 'Elouviana Zashira'. And she liked it. Her dad clearly wanted nothing to do with her, she had not recieved a single attempt at contact sinc eshe arrived in Nara. So she took it, and wore it with pride. About a week later, when she was wearing a cat-maid uniform - the attachments were a little heavy, so she was wearing them around the house to see if they were to heavy for constant use, having gotten a contract through her friend for a Maid Cafe - her friend came through the door like a flurry of activity, and handed her a Nerve-Gear and a copy of Sword Art Online, saying he wanted a friend to play with in there. Elouv accepted, but as they got it all set up, his phone run, and after looking at who it was, he sighed and told her to go on ahead, and he would catch up. So, she entered the world of Aincrad, and beheld it's wonders. [b][color=hotpink]Life Since Playing SwordArt:[/color][/b] Elouviana really enjoyed the game, getting lost within it's mechanics and practically forgetting she was waiting for someone until she was teleported to the main square. It was then, when told that everyone was trapped and going to die if they didn't complete the game, that she hoped her friend did not get on, so he could be spared this nightmare. However, her troubles had only just begun, as when the Hand Mirror was given out and everyone turned into their real selves, Elou was given ears and a tail due to the Nerve-Gear deciding the ears and tail cosplay was real. And that, made her one hell of an oddity. [h3][b][color=hotpink][center][i]Additional Information[/i][/center][/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=hotpink]Theme Song:[/color][/b][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfRwevd4ukQ[/youtube] [b][color=hotpink]Darkest Secret:[/color][/b] She once let a stray dog lick out her father's coffee cup before making him a fresh cup. [b][color=hotpink]Extra Information:[/color][/b] [color=red]I agree to follow the rules for this RP and understand that if I do not follow the rules, the GM or Co-GM may kick me out of this roleplay.[/color] [/hider] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3757515]RP Post[/url]