Warm days... god, warm days were not good for what she was wearing. Anastasia fidgeted slightly in her seat on the one side of the room. She was dressed in her jumpsuit with a small briefcase at her side. When needed, she'd form the full space suit she wore during the race. It helped protect her from further damage... plus a lot of people really liked her cosmonaut 'gimmick' as some called it... of course, to Anastasia, it was no gimmick, it was her career... well, was. In any case, a jumpsuit was not the best thing to wear in warm conditions and even now she could feel her brow growing heavier with droplets of sweat. She swiped a gloved hand over her head and sighed slightly... Was it nerves? She was starting to wonder if it truly was the warmth of the day or nerves making her sweat like this. She wasn't exactly an expert driver... she had taken advanced driving courses whilst working at HQ, but that wasn't quite comparable to racing. She'd done some test driving since then, but she was still no expert. She was better off with experience of riding shuttles into the atmosphere and working the technology onboard her proud machine... maybe that'd be enough. Either way, it was too late to back out now. She heard the announcement ring over the hall and with a little sigh, she got to her feet and made her way toward the station, one slow step at a time, briefcase swinging around slightly and helmet tucked under one arm. It was like the walk to the cockpit all over again... Though, it posed the question... was there more or less chance of death when going into a race like this, compared to getting on a space shuttle?