[center][i][h2][color=#dd5419]Calariel[/color][/h2][/i][/center][hr] Calariel nodded immediately upon hearing Ofnir's instructions, and set out with her bow still in hand, the arrow still ready to be loosed at a moment's notice. She could sense that the immediate threat of danger had more or less passed, but she wasn't about to let her guard down. She'd done that once already tonight. Letting the others handle waking the town, Calariel focused on finding a high place from which she could keep a better watch. Near the edge of the village she spotted a guard tower, entirely wooden in construction, with a moderate sized bell hung from the top of it. It appeared to be unmanned, and so Calariel made her way quickly to it. At its base she removed her arrow from the bow and placed it between her teeth. She climbed swiftly, pushing open the trap door and pulling her lithe form inside. Her arrow back in hand, she looked over their surroundings. After checking that the horses weren't in immediate danger, she began to search out any threats, either in the village or approaching from afar. Here she was far from blind, and even in night could see better than any man. Nothing caught her eye immediately, but Calariel remained patient and continued to watch. Reaching out, she gave the bell a few periodic rings of warning, to try to rouse more villagers to the threat.