[hider=#313, GHOST][b]Name:[/b] #313, GHOST [Spodes wanted me to have an edgy nickname] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=definitely not sleazy][img]http://i.imgur.com/WQntPN3.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Height/Weight:[/b] standing at [i]1.87 meters[/i], weighing in at [i]70 kg[/i]. [b]Personality:[/b] If one were to assign an archetype to GHOST, it is probably that of the asshole - he is extremely good at verbal assault and can tear you down, using one word at a time. He is stand offish and to make matters worse, extremely stubborn. Good luck getting him to admit he's wrong. In that way, he's also a bit of a smart guy. He'll rationalize every mistake he makes, trying to come up with reasons why his mistake was not a mistake, or situations where his idea was actually correct and not false. So, in that sense he is a good problem solver -- the catch is he's only a good problem solver when he feels like it and that is generally only during an argument. While at first he seems to be incapable of forming friendship he does have a feeling of belonging to the group - as far as there is a group in any way shape or form. The realization that they are different is one that binds people together, even if they don't want to. GHOST probably belongs to the portion of the group that doesn't [i]want[/i] to be bound to those people but that doesn't mean he doesn't acknowledge that they somehow are. He has the mentality of 'we'll get out of this together, but after that, you can all fuck off.' Another thing to mention is that while he's a pessimist and critical of everyone, especially 'leader figures' that always tend to arise, he will never step up to say 'you're doing a shit job, so I'll do it.' He simply refuses to lead people for whatever reason that might be, and it's somewhat of a hypocritical point when it comes to his personality. [b]Powers/Weaknesses:[/b] [b]Perception Manipulation[/b] The power itself is relatively simple; GHOST has control over the perception people have over him. While this is rather broad, vast and all-encompassing and could include how he controls what people [i]think[/i] of him, his control over the power is not that far yet. Rather, he has control over the physical and mental perception people have over him. This is limited to his own person, so he can't 'wipe' other people's perceptions of other people. In short this power allows him to wipe his physical appearance in the sense that he becomes invisible (but not intangible) and simultaneously wipe his mental appearance, thus 'forcing' people to forget about him. These two 'sub powers' can be used at the same time to, more or less, 'become a spirit' of sorts. This basically just means he can walk around and nobody would notice him (he's invisible) and nobody would pay any attention to the fact that there's a cup of coffee floating around that is being drunk from by GHOST. These are the limits of his power [i]thus far.[/i] tl;dr he can become invisible and force people to forget him, he remains tangible so he can theoretically punch a bitch while he's invisible, but he can also be punched like a bitch [i]Weaknesses;[/i] Something of a sore thumb is that naturally he cannot use this power while he's wearing the collar. [i]B-but, that's not a weakness![/i] Well no, but I want to point out that besides this power he's got no other physical alteration that makes him physically stronger and thus, is pretty much just an average Joe with the collar on. Furthermore, while his power isn't that intensive to use and he can use it pretty much all day as much as he wants, it it's also not really that useful when it comes to kicking ass. I mean, that's not really a weakness [i]either[/i] is it? Hmm. Well shit. Basically, he remains tangible. I mean, he can wipe his existence from your mind so if you were fighting him and he goes invisible, he'd basically just make you forget him and you'd continue your day as if nothing happened, but you could still fucking beat his ass. Well shit, this is a hard power to come up with weaknesses for. Okay, finally, this power lets you wipe your existence however, clues of your existence would still exist. For example you can't just wipe a picture from someones house. So physical traces of your existence remain and could re-kindle memories of GHOST. CCTV could in theory do this too if he wasn't invisible when he was caught on cam. Also, people with exceptionally strong brain power (super evil geniuses, or something) can potentially uncover his existence despite having their mind wiped by his power through the usage of contextual clues. I.e. he might be invisible but because he is tangible, he would still leave footprints in areas where this is possible (it's dusty in here you should hire a cleaner). A door suddenly opening also is a pretty big clue he's around. [b]Other:[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1pqa1wr4HY[/youtube][/hider] fuck you spodes