Everything was happening so fast, temporarily blinded by the light, Zeke taking a defensive position, a magical barrier being cast, and all of a sudden the biggest forest cat Ein had ever seen popped up near by too. Zeke didn't move, not even a shift between the two potential foes. 'Wait, a defensive shield, did she say 'Tinechor'?' She thought to herself, but then she repeated the question out loud. "Wait, Did you say Tinechor? Are we in Solar? Crap, I've got to get out of here!" She turned as if to run, but the predatory cat blocked her path that way, the caves still hidden behind her, but she had no intention of returning to that sunless place, not if it could be helped. She could go the other direction, but it would not take here away from the elf mage who would be keen on capturing the daughter of the former King. Ein was pretty sure there was still a bounty on her head, if nothing else the life-long-exile-punishable-by-death certainly still stood. Her best option was to politely try to talk her way out of it, and when the big cat wasn't paying attention, make a run for it! "I, uh, sorry," She started saying in elvish, "I was traveling the Dwarven Highway when my escorts were happened upon by a Dwarven cave vampire. I made it out, somehow, but this exit lead me to here, I didn't know it would exit me in Solar woods. I'll just be on my way now, if that is okay?"