[center][@Scarifar] [h2][b][color=39b54a]Doomguy[/color] - Gourd Lake[/b][/h2][/center] At this moment, Doomguy was simply holding his energy pistol, for he didn't want to waste too much ammo just yet. Besides, his pistol had pretty much unlimited ammo since it fires plasma bolts, but were rather weak, even if it was charged. As he walks alongside a camp ground, he suddenly sensed the presence of someone else within the area, notably coming from his right. He looks at that direction and clenches his pistol, ready to fire if he needs to. What he sees though, isn't a demon, but a regular male human. He was wearing a red business suit, with a white under shirt, a tie, and seemed to be wearing an old fashioned "burglar" mask. Doomguy wouldn't know this though, but still keeps a watchful eye as the figure approaches him. "[color=9e0b0f][i]Pardon me, but would you happen to know where I am? I seem to have gotten lost on the way,[/i][/color] the man says in a heavy french accent. Doomguy wasn't much of a talker, but he simply shakes his head slowly. He was just as lost as this guy was. The man seems a little suspicious to him, but judging on what he looks like, he didn't seem to be much of a threat anyways. After all, he can simply rip him limb and limb, rip and tear into him with simply his bare hands. He then looks around towards the lake and sees what appears to be a wooden sign that was planted into the muddy shore. Curious, the marine slowly walks towards it, still holding his pistol in his right hand. Using his left hand, he violently rips the sign from the ground and reads at what it says. [b][i]"Gourd Lake"[/i][/b], the sign read in big black letters. Perhaps this was where they are now. He then signals Spy to come with an arm gesture and shows him the sign. [hr][hr] [center][@Kafka Komedy] [h2][b][color=black]Bayonetta[/color] - [color=39b54a]Hyrule Fields[/color][/b][/h2][/center] Suddenly, the Umbra Witch hears a call of help to her left. [color=00746b][i]"Hey, lady, mind helping us out here?"[/i][/color] a masculine voice calls out. Bayonetta stops dead in her tracks as she looks around, seeing what appears to be a female figure. The lady had scarlet hair, with blue eyes, and quite a mighty sword. She didn't quite match the description of a male, unless this was some sort of transgender person, but she heavily doubted that fact. She also happened to be in some trouble, with skeleton creatures bursting out of the ground. With little hesitation and no words added, the witch runs towards them, wielding her guns, Love Is Blue, as she fires upon the incoming skeletons, hitting them all with her shots. This will simply be too easy to deal with them, even with the possibility of more being on the way.