The world that this young man entered was bright, mystical and full of myriad things to be discovered. Be they people, riches or something deeper and more personal, he didn't care. All he needed was an escape. A getaway. A release from the stresses and issues that plagued his life. Whatever may happen here, he was glad to experience it, despite it being nothing more than a silly distraction. As far as what he actually knew goes, that inventory of knowledge and lore was dishearteningly barren. In this world, he's a wizard with strange accessories that allowed him new and strange powers. He didn't even know what the world's name is or even the town he's in. This WA sure to be an intriguing experience, to say the least. The character stood well over six feet tall with pale, alabaster skin. Snow White hair, about waist long, draped down from his scalp, reminiscent of a waterfall. Simple, black robes, gloves and leather boots were all he wore, aside from the obvious undergarments. The most distinguishing feature of his form were his bright, almost glowing violet-pink eyes. His hands, wrists and neck were layered with various pieces of jewelry, which all had shiny black stones adorning the silver bases, giving him a distinct look. The man, who went by the name of Vincent, had just caught wind of a lead on some hidden, lost treasure. This piqued his interest, enough to make him smile. "Finally, finally.." Vincent muttered, his eyes wide with wonder. "Finally, something to investigate. What a relief. I was starting to think that I was way in over my head." He said, mind racing with thoughts of what the treasure might be.