[quote=@Rune_Alchemist] Huh~ This looks fun. I might in fact, play an Adelon trooper/solider/what have you since it seems possible to do that~ How far would we be allowed to go with the technology and stuff? Specifically, cybernetic-enhancements and cyborg like things? [/quote] Well, the point is to retain a sense of humanity with the technology in the setting, so extreme Terminator-style modifications are a no-no. Advanced prosthetics are possible, but just not to the point where someone's arm can turn into a machinegun. Kinetic shields, cloaking technology, pulse rifles, RC drones, power-nullifying signal grenades, all of that is a-okay. But, like, no clouds of nanomachines or whatever. Whatever ideas for tech you have, you can run them by me and I'll give you the go or no.