[quote=@KabenSaal] Shrapnel grenades don't really exist in 40k. You've only got Frag and Kraks in the FFGs. TGo my knowledge, at least. Technology in the 40k went way backwards, so maybe the lost Shrapnel tech, or just didn't bother with it. [/quote] Ah, well. Since it wasn't made too obvious I'll announce this: The Universe we are playing in, is altered some certain ways that I and the Co-GM found to make the universe a bit more believable. So, for instance, humanity didn't go AS backwards and still retain some ability to progress. An example would be the Space Marines - there is no way that less than a million of them can be everywhere, so we made chapters larger. Hell, even PDF forces are now somewhat competent, as are guard commanders. But anyways, I'll resolve the grenades next combat, as for now, damage is damage and you will be going towards an IG fortress where you can all be patched up - so death is the least of concerns right now.