[hider=Ψ][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u](Might change)[img]https://tgchan.org/kusaba/draw/src/130766797633.jpg[/img] [u][b]Codename:[/b][/u]Subject Ψ [u][b]Age:[/b][/u]7 Years/~1 Second [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u]Male [b][u]Height:[/u][/b]193 [b][u]Weight:[/u][/b]59 [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u]As cliched and boring as it sounds, Ψ actually is not a human - inside of an only slightly elongated skull, beneath the pale visage, in the depths of smiling green eyes hides something completely alien to the human mind. No version of Ψ was ever exposed to any sort of society or really meaningful social interactions before reaching it's analogue of puberty, yet it always developed a complete semblance of sentience and conscious thought mere months after coming to life in a highly expensive test tube, all on its own, and it quite unnerved the personnel - an even greater mystery is how exactly did it manage to learn English. Ψ is by no means malevolent or evil - not any more so than any run-of-the-mill high-functioning sociopath who does not feel any sort of obligation to follow the widely accepted norms and does it only out of convenience and to ensure his own safety. Ψ's main motivation at the moment is to make it so that his prolonged existence can't be stopped by anyone except himself - as such, escaping the facility is paramount, though between the attempts he attempts to remain on the best possible terms with his creators and researchers, being friendly to the best of his abilities, and cooperating with the personnel. [u][b]Power/Weakness:[/b][/u] Explosive Teleportation, Increased Durability, Super-Sight. Explosive Teleportation - Ψ's body and brain generate a fantastic field of quantum instability that allows him to essentially be in many points of space at once due to a specific sort of probability manipulation - at least that is how the ability is currently explained by the kind people that keep him in here. Whenever he makes a conscious or unconscious effort of will, the field agitates the fabric of time-space and then, after a brief, momentarily build-up, Ψ just ceases to exist in a flickering spatial vortex and immediately appears in the another place of his choosing - or, rather, theoretically, he ceases to exist in one universe and suddenly appears in another, where everything except his position in space is exactly the same. The only cue to the teleportation taking effect being a loud thunderclap produced by air that is quickly filling up the space that Ψ's body has left behind. What makes this already potent power a truly horrible force, however, is the fact that matter and objects at the destination point of the teleportation do not just change places with Ψ or somehow cease to exist. Instead they are extremely violently displaced in the direction and vector of his choosing - for example, if he teleports into a wall or even a free space that is filled with nothing but air, the volume of rock, air or metal equal to the volume of his body is very quickly pushed away from its previous position to make place for Ψ, and he can effectively control the shape and direction in which all this material will be shot out. It is possible to concentrate all of the displaced material into a very thin 'ray' that will be utterly terrifying in it's penetrating power or force it to be expelled in an explosion all around him, take the shape of a cone or wide line. Increased Durability - Ψ's flesh is incredibly dense, his blood pressure is very high - though his wounds close quickly, not allowing for lots of blood loss - and his system excels a normal human's one in general resilience. While it does not really provide any sort of long-term endurance or stamina, it is enough to compensate for sudden and often drastic pressure changes that come after his teleportations, cold that he suffers without clothing and sometimes compensate adequately for the hydraulic impact produced by a bullet hitting soft non-vital issues - and yes, they did shoot him in the gut with a 9mm to check. Super-Sight - Ψ possesses better-than-perfect eyesight and sense of perspective, able to view minute details at quite long distances, see in the dark and notice slightest changes in observed scenery. This is absolutely vital for the use of his power, which requires a big deal of precision and concentration to teleport over large distances or through any sort of semi-transparent obstacles, such as smoke or glass, seeing as they change the way things are perceived through them. Additionally, Ψ's reacts to seen threats much faster than an average person. In theory, this ability alone could help to make him a great long-range marksman - that is if his hands didn't shake so much. And if he could be possibly trusted around a firearm. And knew how to use one. Luckily, the power is not utterly undeniable and has it's weaknesses and limitations: 1) Due to an unknown reason, Ψ is unable to teleport into, and therefore displace matter of living animals and humans - plants, fungi, and cadavers are within his reach, but any sort of even remotely large living vertebrates are not. 2) Similarily, Ψ can not teleport into, or displace large amounts of especially dense materials. His upper limit seems to stand somewhere at 11,3 kg/m3, which means that an opaque sheet of lead is sufficient to prevent him from teleporting behind it. For now. 3) Teleportation at large distances that still lie within Ψ's line of sight requires arduous concentration, effort of will and time for the quantum instability field to extend towards the needed point - this implementation of his power also produces some tell-tale signs, such as Ψ beginning to briefly wink in and out of existence whilst being accompanied by his signature thunderclaps and produce multiple transient, phantom, non-manifested copies of himself all over the place. This limitation is why he is still allowed to have the privilege of looking through windows while remaining under observation. 4) Every spatial jump brings after it a brief cooldown period during which Ψ's body is once again tethered to his new position in space - it lasts for a time of 1 to 3 to sometimes 5 seconds or more in the case of long-range teleportation. Ψ can force himself to make another jump or even a series of teleportations in quick succession, but such a strain on his abilities invariably results in his body losing cohesion with itself and produces immediate side effects amongst which are vomiting, intense bleeding from various orifices, sudden drops and increases in blood pressure, short-term memory loss or loss of conscience, hallucinations or emergence of mental instabilities. As of now, the limit of successive jumps to which any version of Ψ was ever pushed is 11, followed by a month of recuperation from bloody flux and three simultaneous brain aneurysms. The reason behind these grisly effects seems to be that during quick successive teleportations Ψ's body doesn't have enough time to stabilize in the alpha universe and thus with every new jump the position of his body is a little bit off - his own cells displace slightly into each other with very negative consequences. 5) Ψ can only teleport himself. He can not bring someone along or carry something with him when he jumps - in fact, he can't even keep his clothing on, which is why he largely doesn't even bother to wear any. A request to give him a tattoo - strictly for scientific purposes, Junior Researcher ████ says - is currently under consideration. [u][b]Other:[/b][/u](Looking for a theme.) [/hider]